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Where value in column containing comma delimited values

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 8, 2024

Need to pinpoint a value within a comma-separated column? Turn to the LIKE operator with pattern matching. Here's the surgical query:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE ',' + RTRIM(your_column) + ',' LIKE '%,search_value,%'

Wrapping your_column in commas ensures accurate matches forsearch_value, irrespective of its position in the list. For a slicker approach in terms of performance and maintainability, think about migrating the data into a separate joinable table.

Handling sharp edges and hurdling pitfalls

Working with comma-separated values in SQL has its traps. Here's your survival kit:

A clean shave with Trimming Whitespace

Whitespace is the seemingly innocent villain. Trimming spaces ensures we don't trip over them:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE ',' + LTRIM(RTRIM(your_column)) + ',' LIKE '%,search_value,%' -- "Shave and a haircut, two bits"

The deceptive 'IN' clause

The IN keyword, while being a neat tool for exact matches, proves untrustworthy with comma-separated strings. It's a NO-IN situation just this once.

Taming the edge beast

Does your value lurk at the beginning, middle, end, or is the lone ranger in the list? Wrapping the column and search value in commas will make sure none slips through the cracks.

Why split when you can join?

Data normalization paves the path to a robust database. Rather than resorting to quick fixes, like the LIKE clause, embrace the following methods for long-term bliss:

Break it down with a Split function

By turning the comma-separated list into a relational paradise, the Split function nullifies the frantic searches:

SELECT your_column FROM your_table CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(your_column, ',') AS SplitList WHERE SplitList.value = 'search_value' --"Splitting hairs, are we?"

Conjure up the CLR Methods

Handling mammoth datasets or advanced scenarios could enlist the CLR (Common Language Runtime) functions for a power-packed performance.

The magic of Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

The conjuration of CTEs alongside Split functions, handles the gnarliest manipulations:

WITH SplitValues AS ( SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT((SELECT your_column FROM your_table), ',') ) SELECT * FROM SplitValues WHERE value = 'search_value' -- "Magic wand, show the value, stand, stand, stand!"

The curse of the split

The incantation of Split every row for a search operation can prove costly, more so on large datasets. SQL Server performance might plummet. Cast this spell judiciously.

Embracing the wild (cards)

A wildcard-based search often does the trick. Here's an example to fetch search_value from the comma-separated list:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE ',' + your_column + ',' LIKE '%' + @search_value + '%,' -- "Like wildcards through the search value, so are our SQL days"

Regular expressions: The secret tool

If you are using databases supporting regex, like PostgreSQL, use regular expressions for this purpose:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE your_column ~ ('(^|,)' || escape_string(search_value) || '(,|$)') -- "To be(e), or not to be(e), that is the question!"

'FIND_IN_SET': MySQL's gift to humanity

In MySQL, FIND_IN_SET is a magic wand for such situations:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE FIND_IN_SET('search_value', your_column) -- "Abracapocus! MySQL's at it again."

Normalize to harmonize

Consider normalizing the database structure to prevent storing comma-separated values. Visit Studytonight's normalization tutorial to master this skill.