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Where can I find the Java SDK in Linux after installing it?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 12, 2024

Quickly pinpoint your Java SDK installation path in Linux using the following commands:

For package manager installations (e.g., apt, yum):

which java # "Java? Oh, you mean my good buddy down the PATH?"

Locate the directory of the Java package:

dpkg-query -L <java-package-name> # Debian-based systems rpm -ql <java-package-name> # RedHat-based systems

Switch between multiple installed Java versions:

update-alternatives --config java # "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, Catch a JVM by the toe..."

For manual installations, or to verify JAVA_HOME:

echo $JAVA_HOME # "Echo! Echo! Echo!"

Scan frequent installation directories:

ls /usr/lib/jvm/ # The usual hideout ls /usr/local/java/ # When Java's in a local mood ls /opt/java/ # Java went _opt_-ional?

JDK locating techniques: Unleashing the detective within

At times, the JDK chooses to play an elaborate game of hide and seek across your computer's vast terrain. Use these techniques to emerge victorious:

The light in the darkness: Advanced file searching

When usual paths fail you, light up the search torch:

find / -type f -name javac 2>/dev/null # "JavaC, Y U NO hide in Home?"

Decode the terminal's secret: Understanding PATH display

Your terminal holds invaluable secrets. Uncover them with this powerful command:

readlink -f $(which java) # Translates to: "Reveal thyself, O Java!"

This reveals where the java command's symbolic link points to ― an integral brick in the grand JDK wall.

One small step for Terminal: Setting up the stage

After the victorious discovery, add the JDK path to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile:

export JAVA_HOME='/path/to/jdk' # "Welcome to your new HOME, Java!" export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin # "You're part of the PATH family now!"

Reload sources source ~/.bashrc or just shout 'Open Sesame' to a new terminal session. Voila, changes applied!

Applying wisdom, reaping benefits: Understanding java alternatives

For it's not just about the journey, but the alternatives en route:

update-java-alternatives -l # "Let's count the alternative roads home."

Taking the helm: Mastering your Linux environment

Embrace the communal resources

Refer to community forums, blog posts, official documentation - absorb all learning sources. Just beware of the trolls!

Play the error whisperer

Errors are often the key to the solution. Remember, each error message was once a user question that got Promoted!

Your discovery, the world's treasure: Documentation

Securing the newfound knowledge for others is your gift to the code universe. Plus, it helps when your HDD's got a Case of the Mondays!

Forging the outlier: Manual installation

You've also got the option to manually install the SDK using a .tar.gz (Tarball). It's like unboxing the Java present yourself!

tar -xzf <java-archive>.tar.gz # "Behind you, it's a tarball!"