\n\n\nStoring scripts externally enhances performance via browser caching and ensures cleaner HTML. Refrain from inline scripts to avoid security risks and code clutter. Nonetheless,
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When should `

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Jan 18, 2025

Utilize <script> tags to execute JavaScript within your website, optimally as external references:

<script src="your-script.js"></script>

Storing scripts externally enhances performance via browser caching and ensures cleaner HTML. Refrain from inline scripts to avoid security risks and code clutter. Nonetheless, <script> tags can offer valuable functionality when made visible, such as displaying code samples or containing non-markup data.

Cases for visibility

There exist specific circumstances where visible <script> tags prove beneficial, including education, data storage, debugging, and templating.

Code samples in tutorials

When creating a tutorial or documentation, visible <script> tags can be functional:

<script type="text/plain" style="display: block;"> // "Hello, World" in JavaScript console.log("Hello, Stackoverflow!"); // Friendly greeting to SO folks </script>

These tags need to display as blocks and the characters < and > don't have to be escaped.

Data blocks in HTML

You can utilize the <script> tag to contain data blocks within your HTML:

<script type="application/json" id="myData"> // This is not the data you're looking for { "joke": "Why don't programmers like nature? It has too many bugs." } </script>

This method provides an effective approach to store raw data, especially when JSON is involved.


Visibility of <script> tags can also aid the process of debugging. Displaying a script[src]:before can reveal the script's source link, which improves transparency when debugging.


Additionally, <script> tags can double as containers for HTML templates:

<script type="text/template" id="profile-template"> <div class="profile"> <!-- Selfie placeholder --> <img src="" alt="Profile picture"> <h3></h3> <!-- Other exciting bits --> </div> </script>

Fetching the innerHTML of this script tag with JavaScript gives you a string version of the HTML ready for use!

Enhancing the user experience

Visible script tags help you create interactive documentation or tutorial tools. Displaying script[src]:before helps designers understand which scripts are being used on a page, greatly enhancing the debugging process.

script[src]:before { content: attr(src); /* CSS goes brrr */ display: block; }

This transparency also improves the overall user experience.

Security considerations

As with anything web-related, security is key. Be careful not to expose sensitive data or script paths, which could be utilized by potential attackers.

How about styles?

Overriding client-side stylesheets to make your <script> tag visible is perfectly legal and sometimes encouraged. Just make sure it doesn't become a visual spoiler for your end users!

Aftermath of script execution

Now, you might be wondering, what happens if we remove the script tag after its execution? The simple answer is - nothing changes. The effects of executed scripts persist even after their <script> tag is removed. The visible nature of a <script> tag, therefore, has no bearing on script execution.