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What's the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 13, 2024

In a nutshell, TRUNCATE is a faster, bulk operation that clears a table in a blink, doesn't log individual row deletions while resetting auto-increment counters, however, with the trade-off of not being applicable if the table is referenced by a foreign key construct.

TRUNCATE TABLE table_name; -- POOF! And it's gone.

DELETE, on the other hand, introduces a more refined approach to data removal—providing the luxury of specifying conditions (WHERE) for row deletions, logging every row deleted and provides opportunities for rollback. Excellent when you need to put on the surgeon's gloves.

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; -- The scalpel is at work.

In essence, TRUNCATE is the sledgehammer for a complete data wipeout with efficiency, while DELETE is the scalpel for precision and recoverability.

Knowing when to TRUNCATE and when to DELETE

TRUNCATE and DELETE can both remove rows from a table, but they do it in fundamentally different ways. Let`s dive in for a better understanding.

TRUNCATE digested:

TRUNCATE is a DDL operation that quickly empties a table by removing all rows in bulk.

• It recovers the space immediately and resets the table for immediate reuse.

• Being a bulk operation, TRUNCATE does not care about individual rows—no specific rows are targeted or recorded, making it a non-logged operation.

• Because TRUNCATE is not selective, DML triggers do not fire during its operation.

• In the deal of lock management, TRUNCATE goes for the whole table at once, enforcing an exclusive lock.

• Its awareness of identity columns makes it reset the associated sequences in SQL Server.

• The operation revives any unusable indexes, turning them usable once again.

TRUNCATE TABLE Employee; -- You're all fired!
DELETE in depth:

• On the contrary, DELETE is a DML operation. It can fundamentally remove all or just a selective subset of rows, it all depends on the WHERE clause.

• With visibility at the row level, DELETE logs its operations with much detail, making it a fully logged operation.

• Deploying DELETE on a table does not affect index usability, indexes remain the status quo.

• A more social operator, uses shared table locks and allows others to interact via row-level locks.

• More sensitive to identity columns, maintains their sequence, with no index resetting.

• As every row counts for it, fires DML triggers for each deletion.

DELETE FROM Employee WHERE name='John Doe'; -- Bye, John!


Let's delve deeper into some of the distinguishing characteristics:

Transaction logs, Redo and Undo data

TRUNCATE simplifies the affair—it requires less redo/undo data, impacting transaction logs negligible.

TRUNCATE TABLE logs; -- Let's forget the past! (Don't actually do this!)

while DELETE, records every row deleted—a verbose story in the transaction logs, building a significant redo/undo data.

DELETE FROM logs WHERE log_date < SUNDAY; -- Week starts on Monday!
Triggers and Flashbacks

TRUNCATE ignores DML triggers—not triggering them during its operation while DELETE will trigger DML triggers associated with the table for each row.

-- Haha, nice TRY DUP... TRUNCATE TABLE tries; -- No Triggers invoked DELETE FROM tries; -- Every time you fire this, a Trigger gets its wings

Also, a point to note, after a TRUNCATE operation, no flashbacks can be done to return the state before the operation.

Privileges & Constraints

With the right privileges, TRUNCATE can be issued even without DELETE privileges on the table.

GRANT SELECT, TRUNCATE ON employees TO user; -- Truncate-action superpower without delete. Cool, right?

In the context of a foreign key constraint, TRUNCATE can't be performed if a table has a reference but DELETE can still be performed, if you're careful not to violate the constraint.

-- So you're saying there's a chance? DELETE FROM parent_table WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT FOREIGN_ID FROM child_table); -- Yes, YES there is! TRUNCATE TABLE parent_table; -- Sorry, it's a NO from me, dog🐶.
Custom Cases: SQL Server vs Memory-optimized Tables

TRUNCATE in SQL Server can reset sequences for Identity column types. However, it doesn't apply when memory-optimized tables are in play.

Practical considerations

Performance 💹

TRUNCATE is much faster when the goal is to remove all rows from the table, thanks to its bulk operation nature.

Scalability 📈

When operating on larger datasets, TRUNCATE outperforms due to reduced logging overhead. Performing DELETE without a WHERE clause on large tables can cripple performance.

Concurrency 🧩

For applications sensitive to locking and concurrency, the row-level operation of DELETE shines through, offering less disruption of database activities.

Data recovery and audit 📚

DELETE wins the hearts of DBAs in cases where recovery and audit requirements are stringent due to its logged nature and capability to roll back transactions.