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Webforms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive)

Alex KataevbyAlex KataevΒ·Dec 27, 2024

Alright, let's cut to the chase. Here's your solution for the 'jquery' ScriptResourceMapping. Dive into your Global.asax and append this charm:

ScriptManager.ScriptResourceMapping.AddDefinition("jquery", new ScriptResourceDefinition { // πŸ‘‡ Don't forget to plug in your own jQuery version here πŸ‘‡ Path = "~/scripts/jquery-{version}.min.js", DebugPath = "~/scripts/jquery-{version}.js", CdnPath = "http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-{version}.min.js", CdnDebugPath = "http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-{version}.js", // Do you seriously have a secure connection? This option's for you: CdnSupportsSecureConnection = true, // Here's the proof that jQuery is loaded! LoadSuccessExpression = "window.jQuery" });

Please replace {version} with your shiny badass version of jQuery. This is the guitar for your WebForms rockstar validation band.

A step back: embracing pre-4.5 WebForms

Not a fan of WebForms 4.5+ validations? Missing the ol' classic validation? Oh boy, do I have a treat for you:

<appSettings> <add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None" /> </appSettings>

Yes, it's that simple! Just flip UnobtrusiveValidationMode to None and enjoy the classic validation experience. No jQuery string attached!

A load of things to consider with ScriptResourceMapping

When working with ScriptResourceMapping, remember, different environments need different jesters. Use the DebugPath for your development shenanigans, and put CdnPath on the front line for production deployment.

If your app stands on the righteous side of the law and uses HTTPS, keep CdnSupportsSecureConnection swinging high. It ensures CDN paths are served over secure connections; 'cause no one likes eavesdroppers, not even your app!

Page-specific JavaScript validation controls

Sometimes you'd want to 'switch off' this fancy validation on certain pages. Guess what? ASP.NET lets you control it at the Page Level. Ain't that a beauty?

<%@ Page ... EnableUnobtrusiveValidation="false" ... %> <!-- Fan of Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V? Here you go! -->

This little secret provides granular control over validation, right down to specific pages. Now that's power at your fingertips!


Picture this: you're setting up for the concert of the year, and you're missing the lead guitarist (🎸). Now that's your jQuery for the WebForms gig:

Stage Setup | Requirement ----------------- | ------------- Drums (πŸ₯) | βœ”οΈ Present Vocals (🎀) | βœ”οΈ Present Bass (🎸) | βœ”οΈ Present Lead Guitar (🎸) | ❌ Missing

To make the concert (🌐WebForms) happen, you need to plug in the lead guitarist (add a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'):

How to Rock: 1. Sneak backstage (Web.config). 2. Locate the band manager (system.web/compilation/assemblies). 3. Schedule the lead guitarist (add a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'). **WebForms without jQuery**? As absurd as a rock show without a lead axman!

Keep your app rocking & rolling! 🎢

Avoiding the common traps

While striding the path, beware of common pitfalls. Here are my quick guides through the labyrinth:

  • Version Discrepancies: While adding ScriptResourceMapping, ensure jQuery version matches the one in your script. Remember, wrong versions lead to broken stages!
  • Identifying Yourself Correctly: When you customize Global.asax, keep an eye on namespace and class. I mean, wouldn't it be embarrassing to use the wrong name on stage?
  • Setting the Navigation Flow: For an entrant project, configure the RouteConfig correctly for unobtrusive validation. Makes it smooth as butter!

Jumping into the deep end of unobtrusive validation

Want the whole enchilada of unobtrusive validation? Take a deep dive into "Beginning ASP.NET 4.5.1 in C# and VB". Alternatively, hit the MSDN blogs for sneaky improvements and tips on ScriptManager.

Are you also cruising with FriendlyUrlSettings? Ensure to configure the AutoRedirectMode correctly. Ensure it shakes hands well with the validation setup.

var settings = new FriendlyUrlSettings { AutoRedirectMode = RedirectMode.Permanent // Isn't that friendly? };