\n}\n\n\nIn your primary layout, employ @RenderSection to position this content where you desire:\n\ncsharp\n@RenderSection(\"CustomScripts\", required: false)\n\n\nUsing @section alongside @RenderSection provides you with precise content placement and modularity, making your template customization easier.","image":"https://explain.codes/media/static/images/eightify-logo.svg","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Nikita Barsukov","url":"https://explain.codes//author/nikita-barsukov"},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Rational Expressions, Inc","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://explain.codes/landing/images/[email protected]"}},"datePublished":"2024-12-19T13:00:01.409Z","dateModified":"2024-12-19T13:00:03.031Z"}
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Using sections in Editor/Display templates

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Dec 19, 2024

Insert custom scripts or styles in your webpages effectively by using MVC sections with the @section directive. Key in the @section directly within your Editor/Display template to set the content:

@section CustomScripts { <script>console.log('Hey Stack, see you in the console!');</script> }

In your primary layout, employ @RenderSection to position this content where you desire:

@RenderSection("CustomScripts", required: false)

Using @section alongside @RenderSection provides you with precise content placement and modularity, making your template customization easier.

Managing JavaScript with HtmlExtensions

Let's talk HtmlExtensions, a key ingredient in taming your JavaScript code. Employ the Script and RenderScripts helpers to neatly organize, manage, and execute your scripts. All you need to do is deposit your JavaScript code into HttpContext items using the Script helper, and later reel them out with RenderScripts helper. This saves CPU cycles and optimizes performance.

Working with inline scripts

With Display or Editor templates, inline scripts can give you an edge. Calling the Script helper with HtmlHelper, lets you inlay JavaScript. This brings extra flexibility for crafting those special moments.

@using (Html.BeginScriptContext()) { <script>// Hey debugger, don't stop here, it's just a comment!</script> }

Remember to wave goodbye to your ScriptBlock after using it - this ensures your inline scripts are systematically queued for page rendering.

Script deferring and ordering

Ever wondered how to set the script loading order or hold back a script till needed? Look no further than HtmlHelper's Delayed and RenderDelayed methods. To dictate your scripts' execution order, use Resource and RenderResources methods in MVC. It prevents premature script execution and dependency issues.

Organizing scripts for winners

Got repetitive scripts that need rendering? Welcome Forloop.HtmlHelpers package aboard. The @Html.RenderScripts() method in this package can help you process scripts iteratively:

@foreach (var boom in Model.Rockets) { @using (Html.BeginScriptContext()) { <script src="@Url.Content(boom.ScriptPath)"></script> // Sending rocket "boom" to the moon } } @Html.RenderScripts() // Ignition started, hold on tight!

Remember that @Html.RenderScripts() goes after the main scripts. It's your first-class ticket to managing dependencies and maintaining execution order.

Level up your template functionality

Working on diverse resource types within your MVC project? Customize helper methods to manage scripts, styles, and other artefacts. You can smartly reference JavaScript files or resources within your templates with Url.Content.

This way, you can wrap inline JavaScript using HtmlHelpers for consistent rendering. If you're using partial views or templates, read up on documentation and articles to get a grip on best practices to manage scripts efficiently.