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Using group by on multiple columns

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 31, 2024

How do you aggregate data across multiple dimensions? It's all about GROUP BY with multiple columns:

SELECT manufacturer, year, COUNT(*) FROM car_sales GROUP BY manufacturer, year;

Every distinct pair of manufacturer and year will form a unique group, and COUNT(*) will give you the number of sales for each of these groups. This concept isn't limited to counts — feel free to use other aggregate functions like SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX() etc.

Understand the GROUP BY clause

GROUP BY on multiple columns allows viewing data through multiple lenses. For a richer and more detailed analysis, you can group by columns like manufacturer and year to observe time-based trends for different manufacturers.

Grouping with multiple columns

The more columns you add to GROUP BY, the more granular your groups become. But beware, it can lead to a larger number of smaller groups. Strive for balance between granularity and meaningful group sizes.

Where are the missing groups?

Feeling like a detective because there are missing groups? That happens when there are no records in your data for particular column combinations. It's a simple way to identify gaps in your data.

Ordering in SQL queries

Aspiring to become an organized SQL coder? Structure your query in the following sequence: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY. This structured query will prevent misleading results or potential query errors.

How to handle aggregated results


WHERE is the filter for uninvited guests (rows) before grouping, while HAVING is the filter for the house rules after aggregation. Know when to show the door!

Sort it out with ORDER BY

After all the "group" fun, people need to find their coats. ORDER BY comes in handy for organized and sorted data outputs. In case you didn't know, it can also work with aggregates not listed in the SELECT.

Master of disguise - subqueries

Subqueries with aggregates are like spies within your SQL, refining your query or creating extra layers of complexity. Spot on when you need multilevel computation or advanced aggregate filtering.

Advanced GROUP BY usage

The enigma of NULLs

If NULL is the joker in your data deck, GROUP BY treats it as a unique card. Use COALESCE to give this wildcard a real value if needed.

Size does matter

When groups vary in size, the smallest ones could be overlooked; use an elephant’s eye (or COUNT(*)) to spot them. Small group sizes might not always provide meaningful stats, so consider your data density before drawing conclusions.

Unmasking data irregularities

GROUP BY can also unmask unexpected behavior in your data. Spot an aggregate value drastically different from others? Time to go Sherlock on your data!