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Turn off textarea resizing

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 3, 2024

Put an end to textarea resizing shenanigans:

textarea { /* Fence around the unruly textarea */ resize: none; }

This CSS rule anchors down the textarea element, freeing your UI from chaotic resizing whirlwinds.

Nuts and bolts

Resizing a textarea might seem like harmless fun until it begins wreaking havoc on your meticulously crafted layout. Here's the inside scoop to keep things in check.

Zoning in on specific textareas

/* A very specific set of rules for a very specific textarea */ #mygarden { resize: none; } /* Ensuring no class members step out of line */ .fancy-text { resize: none; }

Add these 'property deeds' to your textarea tags to assert control. This is how you handle unruly elements without causing unintentional side effects.

A view from browsers' perspective

textarea { /* Modern browser's Kryptonite */ resize: none; }

Spreading this 'Kryptonite' ensures compatibility, trapping even the most unruly textareas. Be sure to verify it across a plethora of browsers using Can I use.

That 'allow resize' clause

/* Handle with care - resizing allowed, chaos-deterring chains broken */ textarea { resize: vertical; /* Or 'horizontal' if you're feeling particularly chaotic*/ }

Employ this rule when you miss the good ol' flexible days, while steering clear of an anarchic layout.

Quick patchwork with inline styles

<!-- Textarea, but make it unmovable --> <textarea style="resize: none;"></textarea>

Consider this the equivalent of a quick duct tape job, suitable for momentary fixes but not sustainable in the long run.

And remember the Golden Javascript Rule

All hail resize: none;, the sole antidote to resizing. Avoid unknowingly venturing into unrelated attributes like type='text', that aren't valid for a textarea.

/* A special message to all textareas out there: 'No resize for you' */ textarea:not([resize="true"]) { resize: none !important; /*Because sometimes, 'none' just doesn't cut it */ }

This little snippet lays down the law for all, while giving you the flexibility to pardon a few with the resize="true" get-out-of-jail-free card.

Best practices and pitfall prevention

Add these to your development best practices to navigate the inky depths of textarea resizing.

CSS Cascade: Friend or foe?

A firm grasp on the CSS cascade is crucial:

  • Ensure your rule asserts sufficient specificity to overrule browser defaults.
  • Use !important sparingly. It's a textarea resizing flamethrower, but let's not start a forest fire.

Respecting the User Experience (UX)

Remember, power must be used responsibly. Your design superheroes could become villains if they rob users of resizable text, a crucial accessibility feature.

Prioritizing Accessibility

In the quest to doom unwanted resizing, keep accessibility at the forefront. Make sure your fixed dimensions are actually fixed across devices and assistive software.