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Turn off constraints temporarily (MS SQL)

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 4, 2024

Here's the quickest way to disarm all constraints in MS SQL:

EXEC sp_msforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' --Here is where we give the constraints a coffee break

And when you want to call them back to duty:

EXEC sp_msforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' --Calling all constraints back from coffee time. Work time!

The first line turns off check constraints, while the second one reinstates them, with validation. Always ensure data integrity before reviving constraints, or you are in for a nasty surprise!

Temporarily disable constraints for a specific table

For a specific table in MS SQL, disable all constraints by running:


And here's the magic spell for turning them back on:


Before: Constraints ON

Data Movement (Constraints ON): 🔢➡️🎵

During: Constraints OFF

Data Movement (Constraints OFF): 🔢➡️🔥

After: Constraints ON AGAIN

Data Movement (Constraints ON AGAIN): 🔢➡️🎵

The SQL statements to modernize your library (database) would be:

-- Bring the Chaos!
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all"; --Library rules OFF. Let's party!

-- Restore harmony
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all"; --Party's over. Time to silence up!

Remember, after the big party (data rearrangements), get those zealous librarians (constraints) back to work.

Understand constraints better

Key considerations about constraints:

  • SQL Server versions from 2005 and above support disabling and enabling constraints.
  • Be aware that primary keys and unique constraints cannot be disabled. They're a bit stubborn like that.
  • Re-enabling constraints performs a data integrity check. It's like picking up after a toddler 😅.

Effective constraint management strategies

  • Consider using stored procedures or dynamic SQL for efficient handling of constraint toggling. It's like a remote control for your constraints.
  • Use @@FETCH_STATUS to retrieve successful data rows while iterating through fetching commands. Because nobody wants to play hide and seek with their data.
  • Monitor your progress with real-time, customizable messages during the toggling process. Who said debugging has to be boring?

Common curveballs and how to work around them

Here are a few "gotchas" to watch out for:

  • Data Inconsistencies: During the disabling period, your data is vulnerable. Always perform a data clean-up for any anomalies that have snuck in while the constraints were sleeping.
  • Constraint validation failures: Upon re-enabling, failing constraints can crash the party. Safeguard by checking for inconsistent data before re-enabling.
  • Performance overhead: If you have a large database, toggling may take time. Try scheduling these tasks during off-peak hours, or when your data is feeling less moody.