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Tight_layout() doesn't take into account figure suptitle

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Dec 17, 2024

Ensure space for the suptitle in Matplotlib layouts with constrained_layout=True or by setting a pad value in tight_layout(). Use constraining for automatic space management and padding for manual tuning:

Automatic Adjustments:

# Set constrained layout to True for automatic space management fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True) fig.suptitle('Suptitle', fontsize=16) plt.show()

Manual Adjustments:

# Use tight_layout with padding for manual tweaks fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.suptitle('Suptitle', fontsize=16) # Use padding to prevent the great title escape fig.tight_layout(pad=3.0) plt.show()

Choose your method based on your Matplotlib release and preference for automatic or manual space allocation.

Detailed solutions

Rectangular boundary for tight_layout

You can use the rect parameter in tight_layout() to specify the rectangle area for laying out your subplots. This allows you to reserve some room for elements like suptitles or annotations:

# The great escape room for the suptitle fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95])

Adjust suptitle and subplot spacing

Another possible solution is nudging the suptitle upward and tweaking the subplot spacing manually to prevent overlaps. This is done by initializing a higher y value in the fig.suptitle() method and utilizing plt.subplots_adjust():

# Give suptitle some legroom fig.suptitle('Suptitle', fontsize=16, y=0.98) # Time to give subplots their personal space plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.90)

Embraceing alternatives when tight_layout() falls short

Consider alternate approach like GridSpec for more complex requirements, or use annotate() method with figure coordinates to act as a suptitle which bypasses the tight_layout limitations:

# Who needs a suptitle when you can get the cool rider 'annotate' fig.annotate('Suptitle', xy=(0.5, 1), xytext=(0, 10), xycoords='figure fraction', textcoords='offset points', size='large', ha='center', va='baseline') # Balancing act

Using a velvet hammer: legends, fonts & subplot tweaking

Here you'll find methods to nail your plots (with gentleness), adjust for various elements, and create well-balanced graphs that consider every aspect.

Compensating font size

TODO: Insert a mischievous code snippet

GitHub treasure hunt

Wander through the alleys of GitHub issues #829 to discover how fellow challengers battled with suptitle & tight_layout().

Hammering out the details

Keep finessing. Even though you’ve used tight_layout or annotate, returning to the anvil for final blows can make all the difference.

Partner in crime: horizontal spacing

In subplot spacing, your horizontal partner-in-crime can't be forgotten. Use wspace with tight_layout or constrained_layout to make them dance a perfect tango.