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Ternary Operation in CoffeeScript

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Jan 24, 2025

The equivalent to a JavaScript ternary ? : operation in CoffeeScript is simply to use if else inline:

result = 'yes' if condition else 'no'

Assign result with 'yes' if condition is indeed true, else return 'no'. It's not a magic trick, it's just CoffeeScript-ly simple!

Quick Guide: if/else in CoffeeScript

Indeed, CoffeeScript has designed if/else to work like an expression, enabling direct value assignment:

userStatus = if user.isActive then 'Logged in' else 'Out in the wild' # Whatever userStatus you find, don't feed them!

Packed Coffee: Short-circuiting for Condensed Code

Short-circuit operators (&& and ||) enables bite-sized ternary operation without losing any taste of clarity:

access = user.isAdmin && 'Full Access' || 'Restricted Area: No entry' # Admins have all the fun

This line ensures, if the user.isAdmin belongs to the cool club and is true, then access is served with 'Full Access', else the access is 'Restricted Area: No Entry'.

The Switch Lane: Handling Multiple Conditions

Multiple conditions, no worries! Bring in the switch.

response = switch user.role when 'admin' then 'Access Granted: Welcome Big Boss' when 'moderator' then 'Limited Access: Keep out of the restricted files' else 'Access Denied: Sorry, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.' # What's a programmer's favorite Star Wars quote? This.

For sanity's sake, always keep your code readable while maintaining a consistent syntax throughout.

Diving Deep: A Comprehensive Guide

CoffeeScript Switch: Handling Complex Expressions

When the question isn’t just yes/no, the switch comes to rescue:

dessert = switch favoriteFruit when 'apple' then 'Apple Pie' when 'banana' then 'Banana Split' when 'cherry' then 'Cherry Cheesecake' else 'Fruit salad: for the indecisive ones.'

Well, the dessert choices now switch based on your favoriteFruit.

The Art of CoffeeScript: Best Practices

  1. Honor Readability: It’s better to have clear and understandable code over complex one-liners. As they say, Code is more often read than written.
  2. Stay consistent: Like your morning coffee routine, stick to a single style and syntax throughout your code. It maintains code quality and reduces cognitive load for fellow developers.

Behind the Coffee Mug: Why no specific Ternary Syntax

Curious about why CoffeeScript has no separate syntax like JavaScript's ternary operator? Here’s a link straight from the horse's mouth!