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Syntaxerror: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Mar 8, 2025

This SyntaxError appears when JSON.parse() sips its morning coffee and instead of a **JSON string, finds an object. It prefers JSON formatted strings, without milk:

// The proper way to serve coffee to JSON.parse(): var jsonStr = '{"coffee": "black"}'; var parsed = JSON.parse(jsonStr); // Ahh, perfect!

JSON.parse() prefers its coffee without milk (objects). Give it strings.

JSON.parse: The Misused and the Misunderstood

The plot usually thickens when you're the James Bond of coding, using JSON.parse() on an object instead of a JSON string. This error is common when you try to be super cool and skip the ID checks.

Checking object IDs

To avoid the embarrassment of pretending to roll with VIPs (Valid JSON strings), always check IDs (data type). No need to do it manually though, typeof is your bouncer:

if (typeof userData === 'string') { // Checking IDs try { var decodedObject = JSON.parse(userData); } catch (e) { console.error('Error: Non-VIP object spotted!', e); } }

Your new bouncer, typeof, will keep those non-VIP "objects" out!

Using power tools for high-stakes missions

On a high-stakes mission, you need the right tools. Try-catch is your swiss army knife for parsing:

try { var userList = JSON.parse(userData); } catch (e) { // Rejected! No valid JSON string, no entry! console.log('Error: Wrong password!', e.message); var userList = {}; // You're still on the list, just hanging out at the bar }

This power tool safeguards your operation by dealing well with unexpected scenarios.

The Art of Data Verification

As Master Oogway says in Kung Foo Panda, "there are no accidents". So, always inspect your data before you let it play with JSON.parse.

Always screen your data

Don’t trust your data. Yes, it might claim it's a "JSON string", but make sure it passes the security checks before you even think of parsing.

High-security protocols

Where there's a will, there's a typeof. Always lock your doors and leave a fallback for the unexpected:

var userList = (typeof userData === 'string' && userData) ? JSON.parse(userData) : {};

For those days when your JSON string goes AWOL, set a safe house (default object) in place!

Deep dive into JSON.parseitory

Distinguishing between chameleons and jellyfish

Understand the difference between JavaScript objects (jellyfish) and JSON strings (chameleons). JSON - a string-format data chameleon, must first lose its camouflage (be parsed) to swim with the jellyfish (JavaScript objects).

Preparing for all occasions

When expecting dinner guests of different data types, lay out the conditional cutlery. And always be prepared for the dreaded "No Show" (null or undefined):

var userList = userData ? JSON.parse(userData) : {}; // Got stood up? No problem, dinner for one!

Working with the Magic Mirror

JSON.stringify() is like the Magic Mirror from Shrek. It takes your jellyfish (object), shows you its chameleon reflection (string), which you can then turn back into a jellyfish with JSON.parse():

var userDataStr = JSON.stringify(userData); // Show me your true form! var userDataCopy = JSON.parse(userDataStr); // Make it a jellyfish!

Now you can safely mutate your userDataCopy without affecting the original userData.