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Syntax of for-loop in SQL Server

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 21, 2024
DECLARE @counter INT = 1; WHILE @counter <= 10 BEGIN -- enthusiastically executing loop operations PRINT 'Amazing! You are on iteration no.' + CAST(@counter AS VARCHAR); SET @counter += 1; -- moving on, or else we'll be stuck here forever! END

In this compact sample, we declare and initialize variables. The WHILE condition manipulates the loop's cycle—ensure to increment the counter to terminate the loop. This instance illustrates a rudimentary loop scheme in Transact-SQL (T-SQL).

Looping variations and augmentations

If you're boxing in a corner needing to rotate through rows, resembling manoeuvring a result set in sequence:

DECLARE @i INT = 0, @count INT; SELECT @count = COUNT(*) FROM YourTable; WHILE @i < @count BEGIN -- Executing maneuvers for each row, one at a time! SELECT TOP 1 * FROM YourTable ORDER BY YourColumn OFFSET @i ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY; -- Stepping to the next row, don't want to miss anyone! SET @i = @i + 1; END

This method exploits OFFSET FETCH with an arranged query to traverse through individual rows like a stealth ninja.

Simulating DO..WHILE and REPEAT..UNTIL patterns

T-SQL lacks DO..WHILE loops in its repertoire, but hey, GOTO to the rescue:

DECLARE @continueFlag BIT = 1; WHILE_BEGIN_LABEL: -- Our bookmark to jump back to IF @continueFlag = 1 BEGIN -- Loop code, where the magic happens... -- The mystical condition for the loop to continue IF some_condition SET @continueFlag = 1 ELSE SET @continueFlag = 0 GOTO WHILE_BEGIN_LABEL; -- looping again because we can! END

In this case, the loop bravely proceeds as far as the condition allows. Flip the REPEAT..UNTIL script by reversing the exit scenario.

Ensuring loop efficacy and troubleshooting

Loop governance through flags

In circumstances where you need to pause the loop based on real-time conditions, employ a control flag, like the knight in shining armor @intFlag, to regulate loop closure:

DECLARE @intFlag BIT = 1; WHILE @intFlag = 1 BEGIN -- Guess what, more loop code IF @someCondition BEGIN -- Alter control flag to halt loop. We have power! SET @intFlag = 0; END -- Continuing operations, because why not! END

This blueprint offers dynamic loop command grounded on inner loop phenomena.

Dodging regular pitfalls

Be aware of frequent issues encountered in loop assemblage:

  • Infinite loops: Spawned by not aptly augmenting the loop counter or lacking a valid exit clause. Make sure you always exit gracefully!
  • Performance slowdowns: Nested loops or ineffective queries playing the villain, slowing down execution; always think about using set-based procedures as alternative superheroes.
  • Transaction log coyote moments: Huge transactions within a loop can cause the log to skyrocket, much like Wile E. Coyote!