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Sql Case Sensitive String Compare

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 4, 2024

For a quick case-sensitive SQL comparison, use the COLLATE clause and select a case-sensitive collation. In this example, we'll use SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS (for MS SQL Server):

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE your_column COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS = 'SensitiveCase';

With the COLLATE clause, 'A' is certainly not equal to 'a', as expected in case-sensitive comparisons.

Overview of Case-Sensitivity with Collations

Collations form the basis for accurate case-sensitive string comparisons. For example, Latin1_General_CS_AS is specifically crafted for case-sensitive comparisons. To ensure persistent case sensitivity at the column level, the ALTER TABLE command is your ally.

ALTER TABLE your_table ALTER COLUMN your_column VARCHAR(100) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS -- If SQL was a superhero, Latin1_General_CS_AS would be the sidekick.

Binary Comparisons and Hash Techniques

VARBINARY is handy for exact binary comparisons, but beware of the potential data truncation; setting a proper max length is a must. HASHBYTES can also be employed for case-sensitive hash comparisons. This is especially useful when you gotta keep a secret...shh! 🤫

-- Because James Bond wouldn't just compare, he'd HASH! SELECT * FROM secret_agents WHERE HASHBYTES('SHA1', codename) = HASHBYTES('SHA1', '007');

Trimming for Precision

We highly recommend LTRIM and RTRIM functions before comparisons for accurate string comparisons. Or else, unwelcome invisible characters might just interrupt your perfect SQL tea party.

-- SQL's barber shop, trimming away unwanted whitespaces. SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(your_column)) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS = 'NoMoreWhitespaces';

Handling Different SQL Platforms for Case Sensitivity

SQL platforms provide different modes for case sensitivity. In MySQL, BINARY casting is often employed, PostgreSQL supports case-sensitive queries through LIKE and regex, and SQLite allows customising collations at table or query level. Case-sensitivity pretty much takes you across the SQL universe!

Dealing with Case Insensitivity

There are times when you need case-insensitivity. By using UPPER or LOWER functions, you can make your strings uniform before comparison.

-- Because SQL knows, sometimes, it's what's inside that counts, not the casing. SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE UPPER(your_column) = UPPER('IgnoreMyCase');

Ensuring Data Integrity with Proper Column and Data Types

Correct column and data types like varchar with case-sensitive collation ensure sound variable character storage. Management interfaces like SQL Server Management Studio provide a user-friendly GUI for adjusting collations, thus helping maintain character case integrity and delivering specific comparisons.