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Sorting by date & time in descending order?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Mar 6, 2025

Show your data in reverse chronological order with:

SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY datetime_column DESC;

Using DESC gets you the latest data first. Just replace table_name and datetime_column with your table and column names.

Sorting by desc in a nutshell

Sorting your DATETIME or TIMESTAMP field in descending (DESC) order gives all records from most recent to oldest.

Slicing data with subquery

If you need top 5 entries for a certain ID, a subquery saves the day:

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = 'chosen_id' ORDER BY your_datetime_column DESC LIMIT 5 ) AS sorted_table ORDER BY sorted_table.your_datetime_column DESC;

// Pro-tip: Always name your subqueries, future you will thank you 👩‍💻🤘.

Handling date part alone

In case you want to look at the date alone:

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, DATE(your_datetime_column) AS date_only FROM your_table ORDER BY date_only DESC, your_datetime_column DESC LIMIT 5 ) AS sorted_table ORDER BY sorted_table.date_only DESC, sorted_table.your_datetime_column DESC;

// Yes, it's like inception with dates. Walking on the ceiling next? 😄.

Precise to the millisecond with UNIX_TIMESTAMP

For some extra scrutiny down to the millisecond, use UNIX_TIMESTAMP():

SELECT * FROM your_table ORDER BY UNIX_TIMESTAMP(your_datetime_column) DESC;

// Now that's being punctual! Every millsecond counts ⏱️.

When dates clash

Corner case, quite literally: when identical dates have different times:

SELECT * FROM your_table ORDER BY DATE(your_datetime_column) DESC, TIME(your_datetime_column) DESC;

// When two dates walk into a SQL bar, one needs to come out first!

This way, we can ensure the right sequencing when dates are the same but times differ.

Run the trial

Give your query a go with a particular ID to affirm it's sorting right:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = 'chosen_id' ORDER BY your_datetime_column DESC;

// Like a backstage dress rehearsal before the grand SQL ballet! 🩰

Accuracy is key

Filter entries based on the particular ID to keep your results razor sharp:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = 'chosen_id' ORDER BY your_datetime_column DESC;

// Crystal clear results, just what you ordered!

Cross-verify your outcome to make sure sort precision is spot on.

Best practices

Here's your mini pocket guide for sorting:

  • Aliases are your friends. Keeps code neat and unambiguous.
  • Square off null values accordingly, don't let them skew your sort.
  • Run your queries by diverse data sets for robustness.
  • If a simpler query can get you there, skip the complex subquery adventure.