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Selecting multiple columns in a Pandas dataframe

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 3, 2024

To directly select multiple columns in a Pandas dataframe, apply:

selected_columns = df[['Column1', 'Column2']]

To slice adjacent columns, use loc:

selected_columns = df.loc[:, 'Column1':'Column2']

To filter columns by list:

selected_columns = df.filter(['Column1', 'Column2', 'Column3'])

Key takeaways:

  • Use double brackets [[]] for precise selection.
  • Apply loc for slicing.
  • Utilize filter for list filtering or pattern matching.

Selective column choices: a touch of finesse

Let's explore some high-demand column grabbing techniques that Pythonistas need in daily coding.

Select non-sequential columns, they're not shy!

To grab non-adjacent columns, list them within brackets:

df_sub = df[['ColumnA', 'ColumnX']] # Column hoppin', why not?

Boolean masks: Scooby-doo, where are you?

For selecting columns based on some criteria, a Boolean mask is your best friend:

mask = df.columns.isin(['ColumnB', 'ColumnC', 'ColumnD']) filtered_df = df.loc[:, mask] # Yes, indeed, elementwise magic!

With this Boolean array indexing, you can keep your code flexible and readable.

Views or copies: Identity crisis 101

Grasping when you're dealing with a view or a copy is as nuanced as coffee tasting.

Avoid nasty SettingWithCopyWarning

To minimize stress with SettingWithCopyWarning, make a copy. No more accidental overwrites of your original dataframe:

df_new_copy = df[['Column1', 'Column2']].copy() # New, shiny, mine!

Column selection by index position: Counting matters

To select by index position, embrace iloc. Remember, column counting starts at zero:

df_sub = df.iloc[:, 0:2].copy() # Copies first two columns. Magic, right?

Remember: In Python, the last is always left behind. So 0:2 nets columns at index 0 and 1.

Power tricks: Show off with style

The .columns property and get_loc function are your secret weapons for column selection.

Dispatch a dictionary of column positions

For frequent column position needs:

column_positions = {df.columns.get_loc(c): c for c in df.columns} # Because names are too mainstream!

This dictionary, besides proving you're cool, doubles down on position-name reference.

Don't mix slicing syntax with column selection

# Incorrect - Selects rows, not columns. Ouch! df_rows = df['Column1':'Column2']

Save yourself! Leverage loc or list syntax for the column selection.

Master curated DataFrame construction

Creating a brand-new DataFrame from existing columns is like curating an art exhibit.

A condensed DataFrame - less is more

columns = ['Column1', 'Column2'] concise_df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=columns) # Nicely trimmed DataFrame!

The constructor shrinks the DataFrame to only the specified columns. So, it's like an art exhibit with your best works.

Avoid name conflicts: Narrow escape

Keep column names unique and steer clear of DataFrame methods such as index to avoid unexpected behaivors.