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Select SQL Server database size

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Nov 1, 2024

To swiftly get the size of your SQL Server database, use the following T-SQL query:

SELECT DB_NAME() AS DatabaseName, SUM(size) * 8. / 1024 AS DatabaseSize_MB FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = DB_ID() GROUP BY database_id;

This T-SQL query calculates the sizes of all files linked to your current database (use DB_NAME() without arguments for the active database) and turns the total from pages into megabytes (MB). It's a clear-cut, straightway method for accessing the size of an active database on your SQL Server.

Dig deeper for more details

More often than not, a detailed understanding of your database size can help solve or avoid issues.

Split database size into data and log

SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS DatabaseName, -- Name's bond, Database Name. type_desc, -- Not 'type dis'—it's pronounced 'type desc'! SUM(size) * 8. / 1024 AS Size_MB FROM sys.master_files GROUP BY database_id, type_desc;

By dividing the size based on type_desc, you can get a granular look of the space consumed by data files and log files separately.

Size vs Free Space—Know the difference

SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS DatabaseName, -- Probably should clean this up. file_id, -- ID cards for files, pretty neat right? name AS FileName, -- Who would have thought files have names too? type_desc, -- Desc stands for description, not descent. size * 8. / 1024 AS CurrentSize_MB, -- Current situation report here. size * 8. / 1024 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') AS INT) * 8. / 1024 AS FreeSpace_MB -- "We need more space, Captain!" FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = DB_ID();

This neat piece of code provides current size and free space for each file within the database—crucial info when you're planning for future storage needs.

A glimpse into database growth and backups

SELECT database_name, -- Da name backup_size / 1024 / 1024 AS BackupSize_MB, -- How big is it anyway? backup_finish_date, -- When did this thing finish? DATEDIFF(day, backup_finish_date, GETDATE()) AS DaysSinceLastBackup -- "It's been 84 years..." FROM msdb..backupset WHERE database_name = 'YourDatabaseName' -- Insert your database name here, not literally 'YourDatabaseName'! ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC;

Here, you get a glimpse of your database's growth trends and backup history. This is valuable for capacity planning and for ensuring data is recoverable from backups.

Know more with built-in reports

Yes, even SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) has its disk usage reports. It's great if you want a more visual way of knowing your database size.

  • Right-click on your database in SSMS > Reports > Standard Reports > Disk Usage.

This method offers more in-depth understanding of your database - how its data and log files sizes change over time, and the free spaces they have.