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`` resizes wrong; appears to have unremovable min-width: min-content

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 21, 2024

To dismantle the <fieldset> resizing hurdle, set its min-width to 0. This cancels the internal min-content mischief:

fieldset { min-width: 0; /* Browser, I decide the rules */ }

Such compact CSS pulls the reins of '<fieldset>' and overrides the embedded width regulations.

How to tame different browsers?

<fieldset> operates uniquely across various browsers and contexts. Here is your complete blueprint to rule them all:

Solution for WebKit and latest Firefox:

Extract the right behavior from WebKit and Firefox versions 53 and above:

fieldset { min-width: 0; /* Webkit/Firefox: "I got the power!" */ }

Remedy for aging Firefox:

In older Firefox versions (pre-53), the <fieldset> element behaves like a grumpy grandpa. The trick is to change its display property:

fieldset { display: table-cell; /* Old Firefox: "Alright, just this once." */ }

Word of caution: this could make Internet Explorer feel left out and behave unexpectedly. Make sure to conduct thorough tests.

Aligning <select> elements:

When <fieldset> is parenting a <select> element, toddler <select> must resize harmoniously:

fieldset select { max-width: 100%; /* Ensures <select> is not a rebel */ }

Sometimes, toggling max-width to width: 100%; can help pacify <select>'s tantrums.

Class strategy for <select> elements:

When <fieldset> hosts multiple <select> guests, unique classes will maintain peace:

.select-full-width { width: 100%; /* "I shall take the whole space!" */ } .select-max-width { max-width: 100%; /* "I might, I might not." */ }

Unique classes instill discipline and maintain the <fieldset> party in order.

Deep dive into mysteries of <fieldset>

Understanding the peculiarities of <fieldset> is key. Here's your game plan:

Debug with dev tools:

Investigate the situation with browser dev tools:

- Right-click on `<fieldset>` - Choose "Inspect" - Watch "Computed" tab and marvel at the wonders of CSS

Trial by display:

Test the waters by applying various display values to <fieldset>:

fieldset { display: block; /* Everyday Joe */ display: grid; /* Master of rows and columns */ display: flex; /* Bend it like Beckham */ display: table-cell;/* Old Firefox's favorite friend */ }

Never forget to play fair: check their performances in IE and veteran browsers too.