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@requestparam vs @PathVariable

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 15, 2024

In Spring, @RequestParam fetches the query parameters you could fancy (such as ?type=fish in /pets?type=fish), while @PathVariable deftly retrieves segments from the URI path (e.g., /pets/{petId}).

// URI: /pets/FindingNemo?type=tropical @GetMapping("/pets/{petId}") public String getPetData(@PathVariable String petId, @RequestParam String type) { // petId would be "FindingNemo" (The pet you're "finding"), type would be "tropical" }

Use @RequestParam for flexible, non-essential data, like preferences or filters, and @PathVariable to nab essential parts of the URI path.

Handling optional parameters

@RequestParam can provide a default value if a parameter is not present in the request, like a polite butler who knows your usual preference:

@GetMapping("/pets") public String findPet(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "all") String type) { // type defaults to "all" if not specified, like when you love all pets equally (unless it's a tarantula!) }

For the other side, @PathVariable is like your bossy GPS which demands all components to navigate you correctly.

Special characters: handle with care

Special characters can like to play hide and seek in your APIs! Particularly, the + character is treated differently:

  • @RequestParam: interprets + as a space ( ), because it's a mannered traditionalist adhering to application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding.
  • @PathVariable: keeps the + character as-is, because it's a modernist that sticks to the Brexit of characters!

Aligning annotation with application type

You select the annotation based on your application's personality:

  • If your app feels like a charmless pixelated webpage from the '90s, @RequestParam will fit right in, as it favors numerous, optional query parameters.
  • If your app enjoys the sophistication of a modern, RESTful web service, then @PathVariable will be its best friend, as it's perfectly comfortable addressing specific resources in URI patterns.

Prevent conflicts in request mapping

With great @PathVariable power comes great responsibility! Unique URI patterns ensure tangle-free request mappings.

@GetMapping("/pets/{petId}") public String getPet(@PathVariable String petId) { // Handles /pets/1: Gets you your pet, not a disastrous time-travel paradox! } @GetMapping("/pets/by-owner/{ownerId}") public String getPetsByOwner(@PathVariable String ownerId) { // Avoids being that pesky method trying to step on the above method's toes, and adeptly handles /pets/by-owner/2 }


Imagine you're at a train station, or basically Hogwarts:

@RequestParam: Ask Platform Info (Tips Not Required!)

You: "What time's the platform for Codeville?" Info Desk: "`?destination=Codeville` leaves at 11:45 AM"

@PathVariable: Follow the Sign (No Marauder's Map Needed!)

Sign: "Catch the Express to Codeville → Platform `/Codeville`"
| Descriptor | Hogwarts Analogy | Used for | | ----------------| ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | | @RequestParam | Info Desk Questions | Extracting optional data from query parameters | | @PathVariable | Follow Signs Directly | Extracting core data straight from the URI path's belly |

The spells are different, but the magic is the same! 🧙‍♂️✨

The heart of annotations

Getting to the heart of these annotations avoids the famed "NumericOverflow" exception in your head:

  • @RequestParam: Perfect for variable, non-hierarchical data, much like your messy kitchen drawer.
  • @PathVariable: Just right for hierarchical, resource-based APIs, like your efficient tool shed.
  • Special Characters: Understanding their behaviour is like knowing to laugh at a programmer's joke: It makes a world of difference!

Entertain URL-encoded data

For data that likes to dress up in URL-encoded strings, @RequestParam makes for a perfect decoder-ring:

// User input from a form: 'job title=Java+Dev' (Looks like they took 'Java Developer' literally.) @GetMapping("/search") public String searchJobs(@RequestParam String jobTitle) { // jobTitle would be "Java Dev" thanks to URL decoding (No, not THAT kind of Java!) }

Say hello to matrix variables

For memories of Keanu Reeves in Matrix variables (e.g., path;param=value), the lesser-known @MatrixVariable is your go-to annotation. But knowing @RequestParam and @PathVariable is non-negotiable because they're the bread and butter of traditional URI structures.