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Replacestate() vs pushState()

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 20, 2024

history.pushState() creates a new history entry that allows users to navigate back with the back button. history.replaceState() changes the current history entry meaning no back button navigation to the old state.

pushState example:

history.pushState(null, "", "page2.html"); // Boom! You've just created a new page in history.

replaceState example:

history.replaceState(null, "", "page3.html"); // Easy does it! The current page is updated.

Both methods update the browser's URL without reloading the page, but pushState keeps a record of previous URLs in the history stack.

Use case scenarios

pushState() comes in handy when you wish to maintain a navigational trail. It's the go-to method for bookmarking and back button usage. For example, in a single-page application, pushState() can create the illusion of navigating different pages without a page reload.

replaceState(), however, is the option for updates that don't reflect significant navigational changes. When updating URL parameters during live search filtering, replaceState() ensures the history isn't flooded with minor states.

Watch out

While replaceState() can help create smoother user interactions, be wary not to disrupt user navigation expectations. Overwriting history states can result in the back button not behaving as expected — a classic plot twist that can make users feel like they've walked into the matrix.

Misuse of these methods can lead to unsavory navigation experiences. Overusing pushState() is like having an overenthusiastic tour guide: it creates a long and convoluted history that makes it hard for users to navigate back effectively. Similarly, too much replaceState() is akin to a secretive tour guide who erases the path you've taken, leaving you disoriented when the back button leads to an unexpected state.

Perfecting User Experience

The balance between pushState() and replaceState() can greatly enhance or degrade user experience. Let's take a dynamic weather website that alters content based on user location: with replaceState() the URL updates without bloating the history. Were pushState() used, the back button would regress through numerous weather conditions, leaving users confused and questioning their reality.

Powering UP SPAs

pushState() is great for SPAs where you can manage URL changes and allow page bookmarking and URL sharing. Using replaceState() in such cases would fall short, as it doesn't create distinct entries in the history.

Crafting the right flow Combining these methods wisely can refine user navigation. Use replaceState() for minor updates and pushState() for larger, discrete changes. This way, your app's user navigation aligns with the unwritten user-expectation handbook.