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Remove outline from select box in FF

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Nov 23, 2024

To eliminate the -moz-focusring pseudo-class employed by Firefox on a select box, override it using the color and text-shadow CSS properties. Then, set the outline to none for when the select element is in focus.

select:-moz-focusring { color: transparent; /* Hides the text color when the outline appears - clever, right? 😜 */ text-shadow: 0 0 0 #000; /* Just a shadow puppet of the actual text color. */ } select:focus { outline: none; /* outline: be gone! */ }

UI considerations without sacrificing accessibility

When you choose to ditch the outlines, ensure that the accessibility factor isn't compromised. Keyboard navigation is essential!

Tweaking the elements for a better user interface

  • A padding and border reduction using ::-moz-focus-inner for Firefox comes in handy.
  • Enhance styles for dropdown boxes using libraries like Select2.
  • Depict the visual status using custom dropdown arrows.

Understanding compatibility – a lesson on avoiding breaks across browsers

  • Apply Modernizr for feature-detection, targeting only the relevant browsers.
  • Resort to rgba(0,0,0,0) for transparency in case of IE9.
  • Use @-moz-document for Firefox-specific CSS rules.

Opting accessibility over aesthetics

While going for a neat UI, don't let the usability factor take the back seat. Find ways to keep the balance intact.

Accessibility should not be compromised in design

  • Highlight the crucial role of visual cues in improving keyboard navigation.
  • Normalize styles across browsers using a CSS reset.
  • Ensure that changes in styles do not wreak havoc in other pages or elements.

Aesthetics vs usability – the eternal conflict

  • Keep a fine balance between an impressive visual interface and a fluid user-experience.
  • Be prepared to make adjustments as browser updates might affect styles.
  • Understand the viability of the upcoming :focus-visible for future browser outline styling.

Enhancing control - The road to a refined UI

Let's get our hands dirty, and turn the basic select box functionality into a masterpiece!

Including aesthetics & performance upgrades

  • Consider SVGs for custom icons in lieu of basic arrows or dropdown box.
  • Layout the form elements responsively using CSS Grid and Flexbox.
  • Utilize ARIA roles and attributes to retain accessibility for custom elements.

Coding enhancements for a seamless UI

  • Work some JavaScript magic for interactive focus animations.
  • Libraries like Choices.js can impart a feature-rich select box with built-in accessible features.
  • Implement polyfills to bridge compatibility gaps in older browsers.