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Remove border from buttons

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 14, 2024

To get rid of button borders, quickly use the following CSS:

button { /* Who needs a border? */ border: none; /* Padding? Not today! */ padding: 0; /* And farewell, background */ background: none; }

This code sets border, padding and background to none, getting rid of the button's default styling and giving you a blank canvas to work with.

More customization options

To eliminate outline upon button focus, without cutting any corners, use:

button:focus { /* Outline? Never heard of her. */ outline: none; }

Need to remove border inline with HTML? This is your ticket:

<input type="button" style="border: none;">

Casting a wider net? Target the input type itself with CSS:

input[type="button"] { /* No border, no outline, no problems */ border: none; outline: none; }

Activating Hard Mode with complex button styles? Wrap that button in a <div> for styling flexibility.

Mastering custom image buttons

Integrating custom images into buttons? Great. Unexpected borders and effects? Not so much. To make sure nothing interferes with your perfect button design:

button { /* Padding? We don't know her. */ padding: 0; /* Getting *border*line annoyed with the borders? Gone. */ border: none; /* Backgrounds are so last season. */ background: transparent; /* Who needs an outline when you're this stylish? */ outline: none; }

The result? Your custom image, standing proudly on its own, sans any unwanted border noise.

Visualising buttons and borders

Let's hit the drawing board to understand the concept better:

Default Button:      No Border:
|============|       |  Click!  |   
|   Click!   |   

Removing the border on a button is like a magic trick; now you see it, now you don't.

Not forgetting accessibility

While it's cool to be minimalist in design, we shouldn't forget about accessibility:

button { /* Enough room for even a cat to sit */ padding: 10px 20px; /* Because white is the new black */ color: #FFF; /* A pinch of contrast for a better UX */ background-color: #007BFF; }

To avoid making your button an invisible man for keyboard users, maintain a visible outline upon focus:

button:focus { /* Blue halo because… why not? */ box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(0,123,255,.5); }

Adding that special sauce

Sometimes, you need to go above and beyond just removing borders; here's a cheat sheet:

  • Want truly no background? Use background: transparent;.

  • Using :hover and :active pseudo-classes can create engaging interactions without resorting to borders:

    button:hover { /* Just a hint of a shadow. Sneaky */ box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3); } button:active { /* Pressed! Oh no, is it stuck? */ box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5) inset; }
  • For advanced visual effects, consider ::before and ::after pseudo-elements to enhance your button while keeping the core clean.

  • As always, test test test your button styles across all devices and browsers.