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Reloading submodules in IPython

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 26, 2024

To refresh all submodules within a Python module, use importlib.reload() in a loop. Keep in mind that the reload() function does not cascade to submodules automatically, necessitating the explicit reloading of each submodule. A quick example for a module my_module:

import my_module import importlib def reload_all(module): importlib.reload(module) for name in dir(module): if isinstance(submodule := getattr(module, name), type(importlib)): importlib.reload(submodule) # Even modules need a fresh start, a spa day if you will. reload_all(my_module)

This function reloads both the main module and any detected submodules. It checks if they are of the type used by importlib.

Autoreload in IPython: A Primer

The %autoreload magic command is a time-saver. Just set it up with %load_ext autoreload and follow up with %autoreload 2 to ensure all modules are automatically reloaded before executing user code. Ah! The joy of seamless development!

Caution: autoreload can sometimes lead to surprises with unexpected behaviour. It's perfect for simple tweaks, but with major structural changes or deletions, trust good old IPython kernel restart.

Making IPython Autoreload Permanent

Tired of entering those long %autoreload commands every session? Want to have Python afternoon tea without intermissions? Make autoreload permanent in your IPython by adding these lines to ipython_config.py.

c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['autoreload'] c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = ['%autoreload 2']

Let's roll the red carpet for automated reloading in every IPython session!

In-depth: Advanced Module Reloading

When Autoreload Isn't the Magic You Need

When your case comes with extra layers of complexity, %autoreload might choke up a bit. Consider when submodules have global variables that are stateful - using %autoreload is not for the faint hearted. A better action plan for those scenarios includes leveraging importlib.reload() to reset the global state of our mutinous submodules.

The dreload() Power Move

For thoroughly reloading all submodules, get acquainted with IPython's very own dreload(). Unlike %autoreload that applies a "skin-deep" approach, dreload() dives deep down the module's hierarchy to reload every last bit. Use with caution, this deep sea diver is performance-intensive.

The Multi-talented %run

The %run magic command is a chameleon. Beyond its usual gig, it can also re-execute scripts, causing a very similar effect to reloading, making it handy while testing entire modules rather than individual parts. "%run forest %run!".

Maximizing Efficiency: Tips and Tricks

  • Study the architecture mindset adopted for your module's structure/dependencies. This will help in choosing the best reloading approach.
  • Opt for %autoreload while prototyping with minor, frequent updates.
  • Resort to importlib.reload() when dealing with global statefulness or when %autoreload starts to show Oscar-worthy drama.
  • Use dreload() when the situation calls for a full-blown reloading operation down the hierarchy.
  • If you are using Python versions before 3.1, stick to the old school imp.reload().
  • Leverage IPython configuration customizations to set up permanent autoreload. This will smooth out your dev workflow like a good cup of Java (not the programming kind).