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Querying WHERE condition to character length?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 30, 2024

Quickly filtering records based on specific character length? Just use the LEN or LENGTH functions in your WHERE clause.

-- For SQL Server, and yes, it does love length! SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE LEN(your_column) = desired_length; -- MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite shake it up a bit (they're flexible like that) -- Remember to feed them your desired_length! SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE LENGTH(your_column) = desired_length;

Character length in database strings: The whys and hows

When you're analyzing data, you often want to measure how long your strings are. Perhaps, you're validating data, searching for a specific length, or maybe you just have this peculiar fascination with text length. No judgement here!

We have two essential functions for this: LEN() and LENGTH(). These bad boys will count characters for you just like a shepherd with his sheep.

But beware! They have a dark side...

Handling multi-byte languages: A quick rendezvous with CHAR_LENGTH()

As you surely know, not all characters are created equal. Character encoding matters - big time! Stating that in MySQL, each time you embrace multi-byte characters (like '汉' or 'я'), vanilla LENGTH() might just break your heart. It's where our savior CHAR_LENGTH() steps in:

-- Multi-byte strings are no sweat for CHAR_LENGTH() in MySQL SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(your_column) = desired_length;

Let's talk encoding: It's not you, it's UTF-8

Your apartment might be tidy, but what about your database encoding? A French accent in a utf8 encoded string doesn't take up the same space as a byte of latin1. So, double-check your database's character encoding and collation settings!

When in SQL Server: The LEN() quirks

In SQL Server, LEN() has some peculiar habits. It tends to ignore trailing spaces. But hey, don't we all have our quirks? So, remember to tell those trailing spaces to buzz off manually:

-- SQL Server loves its things tidy SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE LEN(your_column + 'x') - 1 = desired_length;

Adding more spice to character length queries

We're not limited to simple conditions. Oh no! Your database is your playground! Here are a few scenarios to get your creative juices flowing:

Scanning within a range

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE LENGTH(your_column) BETWEEN min_length AND max_length;

Hunting down out-of-bound lengths

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE LENGTH(your_column) > max_length OR LENGTH(your_column) < min_length;

Conditional lengths? We got you!

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE (CASE WHEN some_condition THEN LENGTH(your_column) ELSE 0 END) = desired_length;

These days, being efficient is all the rage! So yes, be cautious when your WHERE clause has LENGTH(). It might force your database to scan the entire table. (cue horror movie scream) In such cases, consider an index on the computed length for a quick pick-me-up!

Character length tips, tricks, and traps

Data type drama: VARCHAR vs CHAR

When dealing with VARCHAR and CHAR data types, remember that VARCHAR is the flexible friend who adjusts to the size of the data, whereas CHAR is the rigid acquaintance who sticks to a fixed length.

Trimming troubles with LEN()

Remember our friend, LEN(), in SQL Server, who dislikes trailing spaces? A trick to handle this is by appending a character and subtracting 1 from the result:

-- It's magic! No trailing spaces around here anymore SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE LEN(your_column + '.') - 1 = desired_length;

NULL nightmares

To ward off potential NULL headaches, use ISNULL or COALESCE to ensure you're not left in the cold:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE LENGTH(COALESCE(your_column, '')) = desired_length;

Congratulations! Now NULL values are treated as empty strings. No unwanted surprises!