Printing HashMap In Java
Succinctly print a HashMap like this:
A lambda expression leverages the forEach()
method for efficient iteration and printing of key-value pairs.
Print specific HashMap values
In a situation where only certain values are needed:
This targets specific keys in your iterative loop to return their corresponding values. // Code says: "Key, your secret Value. Please, reveal yourself!"
Display HashMap entries
Representing a HashMap visually:
Highlighting its contents using different iterative approaches:
entrySet() magic
Iterates over entries rather than keys, saving us from calling get()
over and over. // No need to badger each key with get()
Key spree
Direct emphasis on keys, allowing us to fetch each key's value. //Code whispers: "Dear Key, tell me your secret Value!"
Values galore
This one's for the times you're interested in values only and couldn't care less about their keys. // Code: "Value, is that you? I've been expecting you!"
Decoding HashMap capacities
Revisiting the size and capacity of a HashMap
- The
method counts key-value pairs (entries), returning a positive integer, not zero or negative. - Initial capacity and load factor walk hand in hand, silently determining
Note, zero-based numbering refers to lists and arrays; not applicable to HashMap
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