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Placeholder in IE9

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Dec 11, 2024

To enable placeholders in IE9, use a JavaScript polyfill to emulate native functionality. Here's the script for immediate implementation:

if (!('placeholder' in document.createElement('input'))) { // if(!magic) Do your own! var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { (function(input) { var placeholderText = input.getAttribute('placeholder'); // asigning the magic words if (placeholderText) { input.value = placeholderText; // voila, placeholder appeared! input.onfocus = function() { if (this.value === placeholderText) this.value = ''; }; // clear 'em all, user's here input.onblur = function() { if (this.value === '') this.value = placeholderText; }; // bring 'em back, user left input.onblur(); // let's start clean } // it's like magic but in input! })(inputs[i]); } }

This script will immediately bring the placeholder functionality to IE9's inputs.

Feature compatibility

Cross-browser compatibility is a challenge. Apply feature detection and fallbacks for consistent placeholder support:

  1. Involve Modernizr to detect placeholder attribute support:
if (!Modernizr.input.placeholder) { // no native placeholder support? No worries. // enter the polyfill }
  1. Apply Mathias Bynens's HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin for a comprehensive solution:
$('input, textarea').placeholder(); // "Let there be placeholder", and there was placeholder.
  1. Manage dynamic content by binding the polyfill to events that manipulate the DOM:
$(document).on('DOMNodeInserted', function(e) { // node insertion, a life event for a DOM element! $(e.target).find('input, textarea').placeholder(); // don't forget the placeholders, they have feelings too. });

Placeholder aesthetics and usability

Enhance user experience with refined placeholder visuals and interactive capabilities:

  • Implement CSS classes to mimic placeholders in browsers not supporting native styling.
  • Ensure placeholders are cleared during form submission to prevent submission of placeholder text.
  • Deliver the polyfill selectively to IE versions needing it using conditional comments, optimising browser performance.
  • Ensure consistency by utilizing class changes to achieve a uniform look across different browsers.

Handling form elements

Consider all aspects of form details to improve user interaction:

  • Bring the placeholder functionality to textarea elements in addition to input tags.
  • Customize event actions for specific behaviors, depending on the form's level of complexity and user requirements.
  • Prioritize accessibility and user experience in shaping loose and straightforward placeholder operations.


Corroborate the validity of placeholders across different platforms and scenarios:

  • Validate cross-browser compatibility and user interactions with stationed and dynamic placeholders.
  • Monitor for unexpected behaviour like a static cursor or unresponsiveness.
  • Involve automated tools such as Selenium for regression testing to ensure continued placeholder functionalty.

Code readability

Structure your JavaScript code for better legibility and maintainability:

  • Use comprehensive comments in code snippet for clarity, questions, possible pitfalls and Reddit-style humour.
  • Isolate placeholder functionalities into separate, reusable functions.
  • Prioritize accessibility by providing adequate visual cues and text contrast for visually-impaired users.