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Placeholder for Select Tag

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Oct 4, 2024

Construct a unselectable placeholder within a select tag by employing an option designated with the disabled, selected, and hidden attributes:

<select required> <option value="" disabled selected hidden>Please choose your weapon</option> <!-- swords, knives, blasters and more --> </select>

This sets "Please choose your weapon" as the default unselectable prompt in your dropdown, providing users with an invitation to interact.

Make it bulletproof

Ensure the user makes an actual selection and doesn't just carry on with the placeholder. Use the required attribute on the select tag to do this - it ensures a value is selected before form submission:

<select required> <option value="" disabled selected hidden>Choose wisely...</option> <!-- choose one, but not this one --> </select>

Set the value of the default option as empty and use the required attribute. It also imitates a placeholder's behaviour, can't fool us now!

Dynamic custom styling

Sometimes we want the dropdown to look different based on the selection. Bring in JavaScript to the rescue. It can aid in applying styles dynamically based on user's selection:

/** * Why did JS buy beer at the store? * Because it couldn't get a "class" at the "bar"! */ document.querySelector('select').addEventListener('change', function() { this.className = this.value ? 'option-selected' : ''; });

The script adds a new class option-selected to the select tag when an option is selected, and this class can be styled as per requirements.

Going beyond basic HTML

For some cases, the basic HTML solution might not suffice. There's a world of libraries and frameworks that offer more sophisticated select components with additional functionalities like searchability, multiple selections, and of course, better placeholder support.

It's all an illusion

While the placeholder attribute isn't valid for select tags in HTML5, you know what they say - where there's a will, there's a way. We can replicate its effect with neat CSS tricks and data attributes:

select:invalid .placeholder-option { display: block; } select:valid .placeholder-option { display: none; /* Poof! Now you see me, now you don't! */ }

Add your own custom data-* attribute for easier targeting:

<select required> <option value="" disabled selected hidden data-placeholder="true">Make a choice...</option> </select>

With this arrangement, you can control the visibility of the default option using simple CSS, based on the select element's validity state.

Accessibility matters

Remember to make your placeholder friendly for users with disabilities. Use ARIA attributes to ensure this:

<select required aria-label="Select your destiny"> <option value="" disabled selected hidden>Select...</option> <!-- Choose one, but choose wisely --> </select>

This ensures that assistive technologies convey the purpose of the select dropdown and the non-existence of an initial value.