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Partition Function COUNT() OVER possible using DISTINCT

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 11, 2024
// Because who needs duplicates, right? WITH CTE AS ( SELECT DISTINCT key, category FROM table ) // Over the partition, through the query, to distinct's house we go SELECT category, COUNT(key) OVER (PARTITION BY category) AS distinct_count FROM CTE;

The magic of CTE comes into light. Deduplicating before counting provides a compact distinct count per category.

Advanced alternatives

Window of Opportunity with DENSE_RANK

// DENSE_RANK: like your average sports day, but for numbers WITH Ranked AS ( SELECT key, category, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY category ORDER BY key) AS dr FROM table WHERE key IS NOT NULL // Adds a classy touch of exclusivity ) // Let the ranking games begin! SELECT category, MAX(dr) AS distinct_count FROM Ranked GROUP BY category;

Aha! The quirky DENSE_RANK() roped in! The highest rank within each partition reflects a distinct count. But beware of Null values, unless they're invited guests at your count party.

SQL Server 2012 - Embracing the DISTINCT

In SQL Server 2012 and later, you can finally take your date COUNT(DISTINCT) to an OVER() function.

SELECT category, COUNT(DISTINCT key) OVER (PARTITION BY category) AS distinct_count FROM table;

Eager to dive in? Set up your playground here.

Tools at Hand

Bridging the gap with OUTER APPLY

// Welcome to the OUTER APPLY Club! No duplicates allowed SELECT t.category, dc.DistinctCount FROM (SELECT DISTINCT category FROM table) t OUTER APPLY ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t2.key) AS DistinctCount FROM table t2 WHERE t2.category = t.category ) dc;

Correlated Subqueries - Your trusty sidekick

// Subqueries, the Robin to your Batman SELECT DISTINCT category, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT key) FROM table t2 WHERE t2.category = t1.category) AS distinct_count FROM table t1;

Grouping with Subqueries - A timeless classic

// Subqueries and GROUP BY go together like cookies and milk SELECT category, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT key) FROM table t2 WHERE t2.category = t1.category) AS distinct_count FROM table t1 GROUP BY category;

Advanced Techniques

Specific Counting Conditions

// When every distinct count must pass your Criteria SELECT category, COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN condition THEN key ELSE NULL END) OVER (PARTITION BY category) AS conditional_distinct_count FROM table;

Aggregation Therapy

// Injecting some aggregation aspirin to alleviate your distinct count headaches SELECT category, (SELECT MIN(key) FROM table WHERE category = t.category AND condition) AS conditional_distinct_count FROM table t GROUP BY category;