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Overriding interface property type defined in Typescript d.ts file

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 29, 2024

The type change within an interface can be achieved by exploiting TypeScript's interface merging. Declare in your code the same interface again and give a new definition to the type of your property. The compiler merges the declarations, which effectively overrides the original. Here's the example:

// Modifying interface from .d.ts - the fun begins here 😉 declare module './original-module' { interface MyInterface { property: number; // A wild number appears! It's super effective. } }

This process works if the new type is a subtype or compatible with the original one. Unrelated types are a no-go zone—it aims at refining types, not reckless swapping of them.

Strategies for Hacking Property Type Overrides

Omit – The Art of Property Exclusion

Excluding a property before reintroducing it with a new type can be achieved through TypeScript's Omit<T, K> utility:

interface OriginalInterface { propToOverride: string; otherProp: boolean; // Not me! I'm innocent! } type ModifiedInterface = Omit<OriginalInterface, 'propToOverride'> & { propToOverride: number; // Now, the magic happens. };

It's like performing property plastic surgery with precision.

Keep the Family Tree Alive - Interface Extension

For a painstakingly detailed property modification, extend an interface and give the property a makeover:

interface OriginalInterface { propToOverride: string; } interface ExtendedInterface extends OriginalInterface { propToOverride: number; }

Remember, using Object as a type is like handcuffing ourselves in a sprint race. Instead, use any, which is more flexible.

Compatibility – When Everything You Do Matters

While overriding types like a restyling guru, ensure every change you make is a compatible one to keep everything running smoothly.

interface OriginalInterface { propName: string; newPropName?: number; // New kid on the block! 🕺 }

Merge Type Pattern – The Property Type Overriding Masterstroke

Forge a new Merge type combining Omit and Pick:

type Merge<Original, Overrides> = Omit<Original, keyof Overrides> & Overrides;

It opens a new window of opportunities, painting a vivid property override landscape.

How Interface Emerged the Victor over Type Aliases

Interfaces have something that type aliases don't – the capability to merge numerous declarations:

interface BaseInterface { originalProp: string; } interface BaseInterface { originalProp: number; // "I'm the king of the world!" (Titanic, 1997) }

Advancing through the Property Type Overrides Maze

The Modify Pattern: The Property Override Champion

type Modify<T, R> = Omit<T, keyof R> & R;

It's like putting property override on steroids. Become an interface modification wizard.

Entering the Nested Property Override Labyrinth

For deep-nested structures, use a recursive pattern like ModifyDeep:

type ModifyDeep<T, R> = { [P in keyof T]: P extends keyof R ? ModifyDeep<T[P], R[P]> : T[P]; // Sorry, I'm busy. Come back later. };

This recursive approach will help to crack the hardest code without a sweat.

When is it a Good Time to Put Type Overrides to Sleep

In critical type safety situations, avoid overriding types:

interface SafeOriginalInterface { originalProp: string | number; // I can handle both. additionalProp?: number; // Optional, yet powerful. }