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Oracle: If Table Exists

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 27, 2024
DECLARE v_exists NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_exists FROM all_tables WHERE table_name = 'YOUR_TABLE' AND owner = 'YOUR_SCHEMA'; IF v_exists = 1 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Table exists.'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Table does not exist.'); -- Well, at least we tried! END IF; END;

Run this PL/SQL block to check table existence via all_tables. Swap YOUR_TABLE and YOUR_SCHEMA for your values. You get a quick, direct existence check without having to harness exceptions.

Handling different types of objects

Not only tables, you might need to check the existence of other DB objects as well. Here's how to do this dynamically:

DECLARE v_exists NUMBER; BEGIN -- Swap DBA_OBJECTS, YOUR_OBJECT, OBJECT_TYPE as appropriate SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_exists FROM dba_objects WHERE object_name = 'YOUR_OBJECT' AND object_type = 'OBJECT_TYPE'; IF v_exists = 1 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Object exists.'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Object does not exist.'); -- Oh well, an object's absence makes the heart grow fonder! END IF; END;

Remember to capitalize the object name and type for consistency and apply UPPER when dealing with user input!

Dealing with conditional drops

Prior to Oracle 23c, an error handling routine was crucial to conditionally drop tables. Now, IF EXISTS simplifies this process. But, if you're on older versions or when IF EXISTS is unavailable, use this:

BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE your_table'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -942 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Table did not exist.'); -- Tables, they grow up so fast and leave home! ELSE RAISE; END IF; END;

This routine checks for SQLCODE -942, which flags non-existent tables. Modify to suit other objects and SQLCODEs.

Watch out for the CASCADE!

When dropping objects, be extra cautious with CASCADE. It might wipe more than you asked for!

For scheduled jobs, always use DBMS_SCHEDULER.drop_job, managing exceptions like the table drop example. This avoidance action ensures no jobs linger in the shadows.

Dabble with dynamic SQL

Sometimes you need to create or alter tables dynamically.

BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE your_table AS SELECT * FROM existing_table WHERE 1=0'; -- Weekend cloning experiment! END;

Add EXECUTE IMMEDIATE with a SELECT ... INTO for dynamic table creation:

DECLARE v_count NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_count FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = UPPER('your_table'); IF v_count = 0 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE your_table (...)'; -- I dream of tables! END IF; END;

Remember, error handling is a must in dynamic SQL!

Halt scripts on error

Need your script to stop at the first sign of trouble? Here's a command for that:


This command will stop your script like a traffic light at any SQL error, leaving the error to the calling environment.