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New line in Sql Query

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 22, 2024

In SQL Server and MySQL, use CHAR(10). In Oracle, use CHR(13)||CHR(10) to insert new lines.

SQL Server/MySQL:

-- The new line, the last frontier (Star Trek much?) SELECT 'First Line' + CHAR(10) + 'Second Line';


-- Oracle feels more like splitting the atom, doesn't it? SELECT 'First Line' || CHR(13) || CHR(10) || 'Second Line' FROM dual;

Insert these to create line breaks in string output.

Considering your environment

Different database environments may require distinct new line formats. For instance, when working with PostgreSQL, use E'\n'. Remember: doing your homework on your database's documentation prevents Hitchcockian surprise elements!

Clarity with variables

Readability throws the garlic to the Dracula confusion. Try storing your new line character in a variable:

-- And now we introduce... Character New Line *drum roll* DECLARE @NewLineChar AS CHAR(2) = CHAR(13)+CHAR(10); SELECT 'Line1' + @NewLineChar + 'Line2';

Diving into character functions

CHAR(10) is a line feed (LF). CHAR(13) is a carriage return (CR). They team up like Batman and Robin to form a new line on Windows. Unix-based systems? They perform solo acts with just CHAR(10).

Watch out for unexpected shifts when dealing with multiple clients or databases. How these players interpret new lines can alter your imports and exports. Quality assurance is key.

SQLite's stance on escape sequences

SQLite has its own new line sequence protocol. It uses the char() function:

-- We have a soft feeling for SQLite, right? SELECT 'First Line' || char(10) || 'Second Line';

Aggregating functions with new lines

New line characters come in handy in aggregate or string functions such as GROUP_CONCAT in MySQL or STRING_AGG in SQL Server:


-- Group hug! SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(column_name SEPARATOR CHAR(10)) FROM table_name;

SQL Server:

-- These strings are getting a bit too cozy SELECT STRING_AGG(column_name, CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)) FROM table_name;

Common rocks on your path

  • Beware, certain tools or interfaces might not show your lovely new lines.
  • When crafting dynamic SQL, make sure your sting concatenation treats new lines right. Don't let them be the wallflower at a party.

A couple more tips, just in case

  • Test your SQL's output with a little help from PRINT or equivalent counterparts.
  • Remember not to offend string length limits when playing with new lines, otherwise you risk clipped results.