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Mysql update query with sub query

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Nov 14, 2024

Effortlessly perform an UPDATE using a subquery in MySQL through direct joining of tables within the UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table1 AS t1 JOIN table2 AS t2 ON t1.matching_column = t2.matching_column SET t1.target_column = t2.source_column WHERE t1.filter_column = 'filter_value';

Refit table1 to the primary table you're refreshing, table2 to the table supplying the data. Specify a common field for joining using matching_column, define update requirement using target_column, and trace the origin of new values to source_column.

Updating customer balance incorporating new transactions, for instance:

UPDATE customers AS c JOIN transactions AS t ON c.customer_id = t.customer_id SET c.balance = c.balance + t.amount WHERE c.active = 1;

This manoeuvre modifies the balance in customers for solely active customers (active = 1), based on their corresponding transactions.

Aggregate data update using advanced subqueries

In scenarios where you're needing to update based on aggregated data derived from a JOIN, a subquery is what you're needing.

UPDATE competitions AS c JOIN ( SELECT CompetitionID, COUNT(*) AS team_count FROM PicksPoints GROUP BY CompetitionID ) AS pp ON c.id = pp.CompetitionID SET c.number_of_teams = COALESCE(pp.team_count, 0);

We cleverly use a subquery here to first calculate team counts and then join it to the main table.

-- Don't mind me, just counting nothing (i.e., NULL values) as zero

Handling left join subqueries

Let's say you are in a situation where the relationship might not exist in both tables, the LEFT JOIN comes to rescue ensuring that you still update competitions without a corresponding entry in PicksPoints:

UPDATE competitions AS c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT CompetitionID, COUNT(*) AS team_count FROM PicksPoints GROUP BY CompetitionID ) AS pp ON c.id = pp.CompetitionID SET c.number_of_teams = IFNULL(pp.team_count, 0);

The IFNULL is your careful way to handle cases where team_count could be NULL.

-- Not a team to be found? No problem, let's call it a "Bermuda triangle" competition, lol

Applying subqueries in updates

Utilizing subqueries precisely in updates can boost performance and accuracy of your data manipulation tasks monumentally.

Need a count or some other aggregation from related records before dipping into an update? Fire up those subqueries!

SET c.total_picks = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PicksPoints WHERE CompetitionID = c.id ); # Relying on the power of subqueries to deliver the data in views land

Conditional updates

Applying conditions derived from another table has never been simpler:

SET c.status = ( SELECT IF(COUNT(*) > 0, 'Active', 'Closed') FROM PicksPoints WHERE CompetitionID = c.id AND status = 'Pending' ); # If you blink, you'll be LEFT OUTER JOINed

Performance tips

When clicking into gear with subqueries:

  • Opt for selecting only essential columns for enhanced results.
  • Firm up the connection of your subquery with a correlation condition with the outer query.
  • Keep your eyes peeled for proper indexing to speed up the joins and conditions.

Practical approaches to subqueries

When visualizations don't quite cut the mustard, here are more pragmatic takeaways:

Use aliases

Through AS, aliasing can help draw a clear line between tables and columns, especially for intricate queries:

# Alias subquery for easier reference ) AS subquery_alias ON main_table.id = subquery_alias.related_id

Syntax verification

Meticulously check syntax to avoid any inconveniences and errors that can pop up due to complex nesting:

# Ensure subquery's SELECT statement includes 'CompetitionID' for JOIN match
-- You get an alias! You get an alias! Everyone gets an alias!

Comprehensive examples

A demonstration link can provide hands-on, testable examples verifying the concept:

Check the [working demo](#) for a detailed example of multi-table updates with subqueries.