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Mysql GROUP_CONCAT duplicates

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 3, 2024

Eradicate duplicates in GROUP_CONCAT applying the DISTINCT keyword:


Swap value and key with your specific field and grouping field correspondingly for a distinctive list per group.

Getting to know DISTINCT in GROUP_CONCAT

Zeroing in on the DISTINCT option

The DISTINCT clause can be your knight in shining armor when grappling with unwanted repetitions within your aggregated data. Here are some cases where it shines:

  • Enumerating unique characteristics for instance, listing distinct animal species within a FarmID.
  • Creating non-redundant data sets, cutting down on verbosity and boosting efficiency.
  • Averting info overload, a must in user-centered services where readability is king.

Performance implications

Merely remember, using DISTINCT with GROUP_CONCAT could have performance implications. Precisely, it might bring performance slowdowns on large datasets as the system needs to sort and identify unique values before concatenation. That said, if your application starts to lag, it might warrant looking into indexing strategies in line with your use case.

Creating effective MySQL queries

Tackling advanced scenarios

While DISTINCT irons out basic duplications, advanced data structures, JSON values, or composite keys might pose challenges. For these cases, you might consider:

  • For JSON values, preprocess the data using JSON_EXTRACT or similar functions to ensure uniqueness.
  • For composite keys, create a unique hash of the keys' components using MD5 or CONCAT_WS, apply GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ...) to these hashes — a mind-blowing hack, isn't it?

Exploiting other options of GROUP_CONCAT

GROUP_CONCAT is more than a duplicate eliminator. Try out:

  • Customizing the separator with the SEPARATOR keyword — because who doesn't love neat formatting?
  • Setting maximum length of the result with SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = ... — yes, there's a limit to everything, even concatenation!

Bumps in the road

With every boon comes a bane. Look out for potential pitfalls when using DISTINCT in GROUP_CONCAT:

  • Index-less grouping: Grouping can run slower without proper indexes — kind of like trying to find a book in a library without a catalog.
  • Ignoring NULL values: DISTINCT condenses multiple NULLs into one — just a heads up!