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Mvn install or Mvn package

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Mar 1, 2025

To understand the difference between mvn package and mvn install, understand this: mvn package bundles your code into a JAR/WAR for local use. On the other hand, mvn install not only packages but also places the artifact in your local Maven repo, acting like a charitable donor for your other projects.

mvn package # Let's roll and bundle. Build artifact mvn install # Show off safely, local celeb. Build + local repo install

Deciding between package and install: Your project’s aim

In Maven, package and install are phases of the build lifecycle. Your choice between mvn package and mvn install depends on your project goals.

  • mvn package: If your goal is to encapsulate your code into a distributable JAR or WAR without subsequent local sharing, go for packaging.
  • mvn install: Do your projects form an interdependent ecosystem? Opt for install which compiles, packages, and places your project in your local repository, making it accessible for others.

Recognize the need of your current project: Handing out packages or enlisting into local Maven repo?

Package, install, and various testing phases

Does your software development value testing? Then mvn install offers integration testing phases after packaging your code. It's like a built-in quality check.

  • Opt for mvn verify to halt just short of installing if you only need to run through testing phases.
  • Wipe the slate clean with mvn clean install. As the name suggests, it cleans up your previous builds before packaging and installation starts afresh.

Making friends: Local or beyond local?

With Maven, starting from packaging your code to sharing it across your team, you've got options.

  • While mvn install lets your project shake hands with other local projects, mvn clean deploy broadcasts your project to a remote repository. It’s for when you feel philanthropic and want to share your package beyond your local environment.

Prep it up: IDE and CI server configuration

Your development environment plays a crucial part in the processing of Maven commands. Be it any IDE or a CI/CD pipeline, a well-configured environment makes job much easier.

  • For instance, a missing dependency in your CI server's local repository might break the build. Be prudent.
  • Correct Maven configuration also ensures IDEs like MyEclipse runs these commands sprucely.

For Maven newbies and veterans: delve deeper

Knowledge is limitless. Whether you're a Maven newbie or a seasoned professional, moment of perplexity can show up. Hence:

  • Remember to consult the official Maven documentation.
  • YouTube Maven Tutorials can be an interactive learning alternative.
  • Community insights, blogs, forums: they always help. Keep learning, keep sharing.