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Moment.js 24h format

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Jan 5, 2025

To display time in a 24-hour format with Moment.js, use moment().format('HH:mm'). Here, HH denotes hours in the range of 00-23, and mm signifies minutes.

const formattedTime = moment().format('HH:mm'); console.log(formattedTime); // You won't believe... but now it's "14:23"!

Transitioning from a 12-hour to 24-hour format requires a simple find and replace operation in your existing code. Swap 'hh' with 'HH' and you're good to go!

Jumping between time formats

One size rarely fits all, and this saying holds for time formats. You have LT, a token in Moment.js that represents time in the locale's preferred format, typically in 12-hour format with AM/PM.

let twelveHourTime = moment().format('LT'); // If it's "2:23 PM"... it's tea time!

To convert this time to a 24-hour format, split and manipulate the layout string as follows:

let twentyFourHourTime = twelveHourTime.replace(/(\d+)(:\d+)(\s+)(AM|PM)/, (match, hour, minute, space, meridiem) => `${hour.padStart(2,'0')}${minute}`); // Magic... Just more maths!

Manoeuvring thorough time units

Sometimes, you need more granularity than just hours and minutes. That’s when you turn to ss for seconds and even SSS for milliseconds.

const fullTime = moment().format('HH:mm:ss.SSS'); console.log(fullTime); // So precise, it hurts: "14:23:15.123"

Moment.js even offers ways for you to wrestle with time components for advanced manipulation, with methods such as hour, minute, and second.

const hour = moment().hour(); // Just the hour, nothing else. moment().hour(15).minute(30); // Time travel to 3:30 PM

Covering every time zone

The world is divided into different time formats and catering to this diversity is a must. Tailor time formats to meet international standards with Moment.js.

Display local time by modifying the meridiem function to adjust the AM/PM annotations, or just get rid of them for a 24-hour display:

moment.updateLocale('en', { meridiem : function (hour, minute, isLowerCase) { return ''; // Goodbye, AM/PM! } });

Advanced time manipulation

Moment.js contains a treasure trove of time manipulation and validation techniques to tackle diverse scenarios:

  1. Converting from 12-hour to 24-hour format and vice versa.
  2. Validating user input for correct time formats.
  3. Managing countdowns to future events or scheduling routines.
const isValidTime = (time) => moment(time, 'HH:mm').isValid(); // Time police checking const addHours = (time, hoursToAdd) => moment(time, 'HH:mm').add(hoursToAdd, 'hours').format('HH:mm'); // Time traveler's utility belt const eventTime = moment('2023-05-01T15:00:00'); // Scheduled event time... future awaits! const countdown = moment.duration(eventTime.diff(moment())).humanize(); // "in 10 days"... or less!

With these functions in your developer toolbox, you're ready to control time like never before!