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Min/max vs ORDER BY and LIMIT

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 15, 2024

For swift retrieval of the extreme values of a single column, MIN/MAX is your go-to:

SELECT MIN(column) FROM table; -- For the "minimum you can get" SELECT MAX(column) FROM table; -- For when you want "max satisfaction"

To fetch the lone rows of min/max value and get all its related data, wheel out ORDER BY with LIMIT:

SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY column ASC LIMIT 1; -- "Tiny Tim" row with min value SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY column DESC LIMIT 1; -- "Mighty Max" row with max value

SUMMARY: MIN/MAX races straight for single values, ORDER BY and LIMIT sprints to fetch fuller row data.

Making the choice: MIN/MAX or ORDER BY with LIMIT?

Context is key, and these tips will help you in picking the right tool for the job:

  • MIN/MAX: Ideal for getting the extreme value, doesn't fetch the whole row, gives us a performance boost when the column is not indexed, keeps ANSI SQL lovers happy with its portability.

  • ORDER BY with LIMIT: Your champion when you want the entire row that houses the extreme value, dishes out the top/bottom N values across arbitrary columns with ease - insignificant performance dip on an indexed column.

Always worthy of mention: hit EXPLAIN to evaluate your queries' performance dynamics.

The Might of MIN/MAX

Raw power and speed is where MIN/MAX shines, especially for single passes on unindexed fields. When compared to sorting and limiting, MIN/MAX often cuts execution times by two-thirds, producing impressive results on gargantuan tables.Their unmatched vigour is most apparent when indexing is out of the picture!

ORDER BY: The Brawny Competitor

ORDER BY with LIMIT might be a bit slower, but it has its cards well stacked. Its ability to return the full context along with the sought value, entire rows of related data, and dish out top or bottom N, no one else does it better!

Optimizing for the gold

Indexing: Don't let it be over: indexing can be a game-changer. With an appropriate index, the performance gap between MIN/MAX and ORDER BY with LIMIT nears extinction.

Database quirks: Look out for database-specific tweaks and features that might tip the scale in favor of one approach over the other.

Building for the future

True, MIN/MAX wins the sprint, but consider where your queries are headed. Will they expand to fetch ranked values or the top N? If there's such a possibility, ORDER BY with LIMIT may be a long-term ally. Future-proofing your queries today saves tomorrow's time!

Keep your guard up: advanced considerations

Dealing with composite indexes or additional columns? Time to up your game. Monitor optimizer behavior, assess code readability and maintainability, and run tests using a variety of scenarios.

Practice with real-world data: Theoretical conclusions might fail in the face of real-world data distributions, hardware variations, and unique database configurations.