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Maven error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Nov 10, 2024

To quickly fix the error: "Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher", follow these steps:

  1. Set your MAVEN_HOME variable to your Maven directory:
    export MAVEN_HOME=/path/to/maven export PATH=$PATH:$MAVEN_HOME/bin
  2. Confirm if Maven installation is correctly set up by running mvn -version.
  3. If the error still persists, re-download and re-install Maven.

This method confirms that your Maven setup isn't the issue and aids in rectifying the class loading error.

Correcting the environment setup

Environment variables checkup

After setting MAVEN_HOME, ensure that JAVA_HOME is pointing to the JDK installation directory, and both JAVA_HOME/bin and MAVEN_HOME/bin are included in your PATH system variable. Use echo $PATH on Unix or echo %Path% on a Windows command prompt for confirmation.

Handling path priority

Set the PATH variable in such a way that Java and Maven get priority i.e., placing them at the start of the PATH. This shields against conflicts with other software having executables with a similar name.

Compatibility alignment

On Ubuntu or similar Debian-based systems, using apt-get to install Maven can ensure more compatibility. If you're operating on MacOS 10.9, make sure to use a compatible JDK version such as JDK 1.7 or higher.

Troubleshooting Maven

Refreshing the environment

If changes to environment variables are not reflecting, a system restart might help in loading new paths. For Maven 3 users, deleting the M2_HOME variable and adopting M3_HOME instead might just work.

Conflict resolution

Ensure to remove any older versions of Maven or software that could conflict before engaging in a new install. Downloading Maven from the official site and favoring binary over source files aids smoother setup.

Community aid

Community forums or Stack Exchange could potentially have users who've sailed in your shoes and solved this issue. Never shy away from asking for help!