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Mapping over values in a python dictionary

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Feb 28, 2025

Use dictionary comprehension to apply a function to each value in a dictionary. This approach is both efficient and readable:

original_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} # We're giving our dictionary a "growth spurt" mapped_dict = {k: v * 10 for k, v in original_dict.items()}

This multiplies the values by 10, producing {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30}. A neat, modifiable pattern ready for your coding arsenal.

Update inplace or create a new copy?

Opt to mutate the original dictionary when working with large datasets, conserving memory.

for k in original_dict: original_dict[k] *= 10 # Hulk mode activated

Keep in mind, though, mutating original data is a powerful tool. Use this power wisely, responsibly.

Python 2.7: Iterating the old-school way

For the die-hard Python 2.7 aficionados, use iteritems() instead of items() to iterate in a more memory-friendly manner. Remember, this is Python 2.7 only, much like your grandpa's old car:

# Python 2.7 example - not for Python 3 millenials original_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} mapped_dict = {k: v * 10 for k, v in original_dict.iteritems()}

In Python 3, items() is the hip new trend, and it returns an iterator by default, leading to the graceful retirement of .iteritems().

Embrace the functional way with map()

Unleash the power of functional programming to create a new dictionary with map(). It's like guiding your dictionary on a transformation journey:

original_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} # This makes 'map' worthy of its place in the Python Avengers mapped_dict = dict(map(lambda kv: (kv[0], kv[1] * 10), original_dict.items()))

Toolz to the rescue

toolz library's valmap steps in for a leaner code to transform dictionary values, showing that Python values variety in its toolbox:

from toolz.dicttoolz import valmap # Giving 'toolz' a spin in the dictionary garage mapped_dict = valmap(lambda v: v * 10, original_dict)

It provides a functional and terse way to alter values while keeping keys untouched.

For the love of readable code

Always prioritize readability over brevity. While inline lambda functions serve brevity, they might not always serve readability:

# We're moving away from the lambdas, not because we're sheepish for k, v in original_dict.items(): original_dict[k] = complex_transformation_function(v) # Giving the dictionary a complex makeover

From Visualization to Comprehension

The concept of mapping over dictionary values can be thought of as applying a new color to each value:

posts = {'post1': 'old_color', 'post2': 'old_color', 'post3': 'old_color'} # Applying a new coat of paint to each post def paint_post(new_color): return new_color # Simple brush stroke, no fairy godmother needed painted_posts = {post: paint_post('new_color') for post in posts}

Watch the transformation in action:

Before: [🪵, 🪵, 🪵] After: [🎨, 🎨, 🎨]

Take note, each post (🪵) gets a new coat of paint (🎨), just like each dictionary value gets transformed by the mapping function.

Making the Call: New vs. Updated

Creating a new dictionary or updating an existing one depends on the context. Assess whether the original data should remain undisturbed for future reference or if in-place modification won't harm.

Always ensure readability in code and weigh the cons before moving away from a comprehension or map() approach.

Preserving the integrity of the key-value pairing, despite the value transformation, is crucial in maintaining the data structure integrity.

Practical tips

  • String values? Consider the join function:
original_dict = {'a': ['Hello', 'world'], 'b': ['Python', 'rocks']} # Who knew dictionaries could talk? mapped_dict = {k: ' '.join(v) for k, v in original_dict.items()}
  • Feel like updating? dict.update() allows you to merge another dictionary or iterable of key-value pairs into the original.
  • Python evolves, so should your code. PEP-0469 brought changes to dictionary views, while PEP-3113 removed tuple parameter unpacking, affecting the use of map().