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Keep the middle item centered when side items have different widths

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 12, 2024

Leverage the power of Flexbox. Configure a flex container (display: flex;) and align items centrally (justify-content: center;). Assign flex: 1; to the side elements, for sharing space, and flex: 0; to the centered piece, to maintain its position regardless of its siblings' altering widths.

<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <div style="flex: 1;">Left</div> <div style="flex: 0;">Center</div> <div style="flex: 1;">Right</div> </div>

CSS Grid: Another challenger

Stepping aside from Flexbox, consider the CSS Grid. This method offers straight-forward center content alignment without concern for item widths:

.grid-container { display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto; justify-items: center; }

Handling overflowing content

During combat with dynamic content lengths, overflow handling is essential. For Flexbox, use text-overflow: ellipsis;, like an ending narrative that teases more story:

.side-content { flex: 1; /* The power of flex */ white-space: nowrap; /* Keep all text snug on one line */ overflow: hidden; /* Hide the evidence */ text-overflow: ellipsis; /* Replace with an Leonardo DiCapriosis: '...' */ }

Similarly, for CSS Grid:

.side-content { grid-column: auto / span 1; white-space: nowrap; /* Bow ties are cool, so is white-space: nowrap; */ overflow: hidden; /* Magic trick: now you see, now you don't */ text-overflow: ellipsis; /* The (dot) Matrix reloaded */ }

Enter, the margin-auto

No matter your layout choice, remember auto margins as your secret weapon. They behave like spring-loaded buffers, pushing other items around.

.left-content { margin-right: auto; /* Like an introvert at a party */ } .right-content { margin-left: auto; /* Reverso! */ }

Auto vs Fixed: The flex-grow and flex-basis impact

Going deeper into flex properties, let's experiment with flex-grow and flex-basis:

  • flex-grow lets the side items fill available space. Imagine it as an offering of unlimited growth, like a buffet.
  • Kick-off elements with a flex-basis of 0. This absence of minimum width allows for a fair sharing of space. It's the "equal slices" pizza policy.
  • Does one of your items crave unique alignment? Apply justify-self property for individual alignment goals.

Advanced layouts = CSS Grid Championship

When the going gets complex, the complex opt for the CSS Grid:

  • grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto allows your side content to have flexible breadth, while middle content can hold on to a fixed width or be affected by flex growth.
  • grid-template-areas for micromanagement lovers. It gives them precise controls over placement, a veritable puppet master.

Interactive examples: Code in action

Interactive live examples can help visualize and manipulate these strategies:

A visually pleasing layout

Visual enhancements like padding and borders can be added for an aesthetic uplift:

.item { padding: 8px; /* Comfy padding for content, like a soft cushion */ border: 1px solid #ccc; /* Dress your elements with a stylish border */ }