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Join between tables in two different databases?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Nov 28, 2024

Executing a cross-database join is quite straightforward:

-- Who needs two tables in one DB, when you can have the best of two DB worlds? SELECT * FROM Database1.Table1 JOIN Database2.Table2 ON Table1.Id = Table2.Fk_Id;

Ensure that you have the right privileges to access the tables from both databases. Also, check that the DBMS compatibility is appropriate for such a join operation.

Setting the stage: Cross-Database join

Highlighting Cross-Database strategies

The cross-database joins may experience performance impact due to aspects like network latency or varying optimization strategies across your databases.

-- Optimization strategy: If you can't beat the latency, join 'em 💪 CREATE INDEX idx_foreign_key ON Database1.Table1(foreign_key);

Consider opting for indexed foreign keys for speedy join operations or using dedicated links for efficient communication.

Decoding Metadata differences

Joining tables from different databases can run into:

  • Type mismatching: Ensure data types across tables are in sync.
  • Collation bust: To prevent unexpected outputs, match the collation settings.
  • Isolation disconnection: Maintain consistent transaction isolation level across your databases.

Delving Deeper: Security & Efficiency

Establishing secure and efficient cross-database querying necessitates adhering to practices such as the least privilege principle for granting permissions. Be sure to avoid plain text credentials within scripts or stored procedures.

-- Remember kids, say No to plain text credentials 👎 GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON Database1.Table1 TO user@'localhost';

Consider employing connection pooling where possible to minimize overheads.


For complex scenarios, explore:

  • Database links or synonyms to ease your life.
  • Foreign Data Wrappers in PostgreSQL providing superpowers for cross-DBMS operations.
  • Employing mechanisms that store joined data, like caching or materialized views, can also help.