Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes
Crack the comma-separated string, respecting commas nestled cozily inside quotes. Trust the regex ,(?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)
, which warrants only the commas outside of quotes get considered. Apply it with Java's String.split()
Output? An array giving proper respect to quoted commas: ["one", "\"two,2\"", "three"]
. This regex employs lookahead to count solely the commas not enfolded by an even number of quotes.
Behind the scenes: Traverse beyond regex
Breaking the Regex Code
The provided regex pattern does a decent job for simple CSV strings. The use of positive lookahead (?= ...)
, confirms that every comma we are splitting on is followed by an even number of quotes. So, quotes don't mess up our comma-party anymore.
When situation goes south with Regex
For multi-layered strings or quotes within quotes, a state-dependent tokenizer could be your Sherlock. Essentially, manually have a look at the string, flipping a switch when quotes show up. StringBuilder, the cobra of string manipulation jungle, is often relied upon in such scenarios.
Libraries Conversations
Expand your toolkit by befriending third-party libraries like Apache Commons CSV, OpenCSV, or JavaCSV-Reloaded, which are comfy with edge cases and compatibility issues that regex solutions might fumble.
Balancing Performance and Maintenance
Relying solely on regex can be like trying to change your TV channel with a banana - it works, but there could be far more suitable tools out there. Libraries with their readability and range of features can handle CSV parsing like a pro.
When Regex Waving a White flag
Manually Parsing: When the going gets tough
Consider booting up manual parsing if your data seems to enjoy multi-layered quotations or has a knack for hiding escaped quotes within a field. This technique calls upon a simple state machine keeping track of context as you iterate through the string, character by character.
The Art of Placeholder Technique
A different strategy involves replacing commas within quotes with a suave placeholder, then separating on commas, and lastly subbing the placeholders back to commas. It's like a magic trick, but in code!
Optimize or get optimized
In scenarios where performance becomes the showstopper, you might find a StringBuilder light-years ahead of StringBuffer due to lesser synchronization overhead.
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