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Java: Get last element after split

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Nov 10, 2024

Obtain the last element after a split using the following code:

String lastElement = yourString.split(delimiter)[yourString.split(delimiter).length - 1];

Test this with "a,b,c" split by ",":

String lastElement = "a,b,c".split(",")[2]; // "c"

Alternatively, use lastIndexOf() and substring() for a more optimized operation that avoids unnecessary array operations:

String lastElement = yourString.substring(yourString.lastIndexOf(delimiter) + delimiter.length());

Handling edge cases

Extra care should be given to edge cases. If a string ends with the delimiter, the split operation might give you an empty string at the end of the array, which can lead to unwanted results. Always check and handle such cases.

String str = "a,b,c,"; String[] parts = str.endsWith(",") ? str.substring(0, str.length() - 1).split(",") : str.split(","); String lastElement = parts[parts.length - 1]; // Suspense... "c"! Not ""! Phew!

Leveraging libraries

For a solid and simple approach, Apache Commons Lang offers a StringUtils class with a substringAfterLast() method. Turns out this is a one-liner solution:

String lastElement = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(yourString, delimiter);

Guess what? It takes care of edge cases and spares you from handling array lengths. No kidding!

Crafting reusable code

Writing a helper method to get the last element can make your code reusable and easier to digest. For instance, you could create a method that returns the last element from a string for any given delimiter:

public static String getLastElement(String input, String delimiter) { return input.substring(input.lastIndexOf(delimiter) + delimiter.length()); }

Just call this method wherever it's needed, and let code simplicity become your secret sauce!

Fine-tuning performance with lastIndexOf()

Your performance-sensitive applications will thank you if you use lastIndexOf() and substring() to get the last element. Less work for Java, more love from your CPU:

String input = "home:kitchen:drawer:cutlery"; String lastElement = input.substring(input.lastIndexOf(":") + 1); // The sword... ermm... spoon is mightier than the server!

Addressing special cases

Dread locks, deadlock... and now special string cases! Strings could be empty or without delimiters. Always add checks or use methods that handle such situations like a pro:

if (yourString != null && yourString.contains(delimiter)) { String lastElement = getLastElement(yourString, delimiter); } else { // handle special cases here, give them the ol' Java treatment }

Embracing dynamic array sizes

You never know how many elements a split operation might yield. Using the array length in your logic, you can outsmart any array size:

String[] parts = yourString.split(delimiter); String lastElement = parts.length > 0 ? parts[parts.length - 1] : null; // it's either there, or it's NULL