Jackson overcoming underscores in favor of camel-case
Convert underscores (snake_case) in JSON to camelCase in Java using Jackson. You can do this by updating the ObjectMapper
to use the SNAKE_CASE strategy:
You can also map single fields using the @JsonProperty annotation:
Choose which approach works best: globally for all fields or individually for precise control.
Implementing snake case to camel case with Jackson
To overcome the inconsistency between JSON and Java naming conventions, Jackson provides various strategies allowing you to focus on writing better code.
Use @JsonNaming: One annotation to rule them all
When you have many fields in a class and every field in the JSON uses underscore-based naming, it would be efficient to annotate the class with @JsonNaming
. This will correctly map the JSON to your Java code:
Global Strategy with Spring Boot
In a Spring Boot application, you can change the naming strategy for the entire application with a single line in the application.properties file:
"It's not a bug, it's a feature" — said Spring Boot to ObjectMapper
Special Treatment with ObjectMapper
In case you need to give special attention to a JSON or you're within a non-Spring Boot application, you can create an ObjectMapper
to handle your JSON:
Dealing with older Jackson versions
Before Jackson 2.7, you'd have to use CAMEL_CASE_TO_LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES
and between 2.7 and 2.12, it's SnakeCaseStrategy
. Jackson keeps evolving just like software requirements.
Power and flexibility of Jackson
Jackson offers a wide range of tools and features that allow you to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code for handling JSON.
Personal touch with @JsonProperty
When the global strategy doesn't work, @JsonProperty
comes to the scene. This annotation is particularly useful when JSON field names are not valid Java identifiers:
"It's okay, Jackson's got my back!" - this Java field, probably.
Fixing problems before they appear
Mapping JSON to Java is not without pitfalls. Always be aware of potential pitfalls like changes in field names in the JSON source or typos in the Java annotations.
Explore Jackson's repertoire
Jackson is more than just naming strategy. It offers flexible features like custom serializers/deserializers, ability to ignore properties, and much more to handle complex parsing needs.
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