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Is there a pointer-events:hoverOnly or similar in CSS?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Nov 28, 2024

For a faux pointer-events:hoverOnly, utilize JavaScript to flip a class on hover. The mouseenter and mouseleave events are your friends. The CSS class is styled with pointer-events: none; to block interactions if users are not hovering.

JavaScript Snippet:

element.onmouseenter = () => element.classList.add('hover-only'); element.onmouseleave = () => element.classList.remove('hover-only');

CSS Rule:

.hover-only { pointer-events: none; }

This configuration gives you pointer-events that are only active during hover.

Recipe for hover-only interaction

A potent concoction of the :hover and :active CSS pseudo-classes, along with pointer-events, gifts us a hover-only interactivity effect. Get your markup and styles ready, making sure layers interact appropriately.

CSS to the rescue:

.layer1 { pointer-events: auto; } .layer2 { pointer-events: none; transition: opacity 0.4s ease; opacity: 0; /* Initially as invisible as my social life */ } .layer1:hover + .layer2 { pointer-events: auto; /* flex your interactivity on hover */ opacity: 1; /* And...Poof! Visibility! */ }

The above code assumes .layer2 sits on .layer1. The moment hover hits .layer1, .layer2 jumps into visibility and interaction mode.

Mastering hover with JS and complex structures

Call in JavaScript for muscle power

Sometimes, CSS can do with an extra hand. That's when our trusty old pal JavaScript swagger in, offering more range and flexibility.

Extra muscle JavaScript:

$('#layer1').hover( function() { // More strength to layer2, like spinach to Popeye! $('#layer2').css({ 'pointer-events': 'auto', 'opacity': '1' }); }, function() { // Oops! Layer2 vanishes like my motivation on Mondays! $('#layer2').css({ 'pointer-events': 'none', 'opacity': '0' }); } );

This example uses jQuery, and not only toggles pointer-events but smoothens the transition. Hold on to transition-delay to avoid flicker issues!

Complex protocols for complex structures

With layered elements, use CSS selectors and parent-child relations in your JavaScript to steer the ship, i.e., control visibility and interaction.

Check compatibility checklist

Don't forget to verify browser compatibility for pointer-events. Use resources like Can I use… to keep tabs on support. You don't want your users outfitted with older browsers to miss out on your clever hover strategy.

Nuggets to interact better

Eye on design for hover

  • Define width and height for interactive layers to avoid unpredictable results.
  • Ensure a stack up with z-index.
  • Hover is good, but don't make it the only access route for important stuff.

JS and event handling

  • Attach mouse event listeners effectively, and avoid excess DOM interruptions.
  • If too many hovers, debounce them to avoid performance drag.

Pseudo-classes tricks

  • Double up :hover with :focus and :active for touchscreen compatibility.
  • Get creative with :hover, and sibling or child selectors are your best buds here.