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Is it possible to specify condition in Count()?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 26, 2024

Yes, you can apply conditions within the COUNT() function by using SUM() with a conditional expression:

SELECT SUM(condition::int) AS ConditionalCount FROM your_table;

Replace condition with your boolean criteria and your_table with the respective table name. condition::int converts the boolean result to an integer (1 for true, 0 for false) ensuring SUM() counts only the true results.

Advanced conditional counting with CASE

In SQL, the COUNT() function can be leveraged within a CASE statement for applying conditions without a WHERE clause. This can keep your dataset intact during aggregation:

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN condition THEN 1 END) AS ConditionalCount FROM your_table;

This way the COUNT() only includes rows that meet the given condition.

Counting categories with CASE

Categories nested in the same column can be counted separetely using CASE within COUNT():

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN category = 'A' THEN 1 END) AS CategoryACount, COUNT(CASE WHEN category = 'B' THEN 1 END) AS CategoryBCount FROM your_table;

Fair warning — this might start a category rivalry!

The CLEAN approach with FILTER and COUNTIF

FILTER clause and the COUNTIF function, which are widely used in PostgreSQL and SQLite, dispense conditioned aggregations with aplomb:

SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE condition) AS ConditionalCount FROM your_table;

Why use a sieve, when you have a FILTER!

In Google BigQuery, COUNTIF plays dexterously with complex conditions:

SELECT COUNTIF(condition) AS ConditionalCount FROM your_table;

COUNTIF — The Swiss Army knife for conditional counts.

For more on the FILTER clause's compatibility across various platforms, visit modern-sql.com/feature/filter.

Binary logic Simplified

Binary logic (1 for true, 0 for false) simplifies conditional counts:

SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN condition THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ConditionalCount FROM your_table;

This method punches above its weight when dealing with multiple conditions in one execution.

Robust counting with IIF

In SQL Server, the IIF function brings a more concise alternative to the CASE:

SELECT COUNT(IIF(condition, 1, NULL)) AS ConditionalCount FROM your_table;

Like a friendly conditional sorting hat, IIF excludes NULLs automatically, ensuring accurate counts.