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Is it possible to read from a InputStream with a timeout?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Jan 22, 2025

To apply a timeout to an InputStream, wrap it within a Socket and use setSoTimeout to set the desired timeout. SocketTimeoutException will be triggered if the timeout is exceeded during read operations.

Socket socket = new Socket("host", port); socket.setSoTimeout(5000); // Alright, you've got 5 seconds. Make them count! InputStream inputStream = socket.getInputStream(); // Reading, reading, SocketTimeoutException if you're not speed reading within 5 seconds!

This only works for streams that are associated with a socket. For non-socket streams, Java's NIO capabilities or threads should be considered for implementing timeout functionality.

Logistics with System.in and command shell buffering

When it comes to System.in, bear in mind that data is buffered in the command shell before it becomes accessible to your Java program. It's almost like it's waiting for a green light, which only turns green after a carriage return is entered. So if you're hitting the road with System.in, remember to stop at the traffic signal. This is equally important when considering threaded or NIO solutions.

Executors and Callables hierarchy for timeouts

A non-blocking timeout for any kind of InputStream can be achieved by packing the reading logic in a Callable and hiring an ExecutorService to do the job. Think of Callable as your trusted lieutenant and ExecutorService as the loyal army, ready to execute your commands.

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); Future<String> future = executor.submit(new Callable<String>() { public String call() throws IOException { // Your InputStream reading magic goes here } }); try { String result = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e) { // The battle was lost. But we'll win the war! } // Don't forget this. It's like cleaning your battlefield after the war. executor.shutdown();

Housekeeping Tip: Always shutdown() your ExecutorService to be a good custodian of system resources.

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Life is all about making connections, and when making one through Sockets or HttpURLConnection, it's imperative to set a timeout to avoid awkward waits. Like waiting for a text back from a crush who's just not that into you. But we don't let the fear of awkward silence stop us from making connections, do we?

// Socket Socket socket = new Socket("host", port); socket.setSoTimeout(5000); // If it's still silent after 5 seconds...Move on! // HttpURLConnection URL url = new URL("http://example.com"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setReadTimeout(5000); // Time spent waiting is time wasted.

In both instances, the SocketTimeoutException is designed to spare you the torture of waiting indefinitely.

Java NIO for all things non-blocking

The java.nio.* package, which brings interruptible channels and selectors on board, can not only offer timeout capabilities but can also manage multiple channels with a single thread. It's like putting your InputStream on a music deck and hitting the party of non-blocking I/O!

SocketChannel socketChannel = SocketChannel.open(new InetSocketAddress("host", port)); socketChannel.configureBlocking(false); // Who likes traffic jams? Not us!

Next, place the deck on the groove of the Selector to control the timeout!

Selector selector = Selector.open(); socketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); if (selector.select(5000) == 0) { throw new SocketTimeoutException("Timeout reached. FOMO is real!"); }

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