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Ios JavaScript bridge

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 24, 2024

The secret to working with a JavaScript bridge in iOS involves WKWebView. By integrating it, you ensure interoperability between JavaScript and Swift/Objective-C environments. WKScriptMessageHandler is the cornerstone for enabling message exchange.

Swift Setup:

import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController, WKScriptMessageHandler { var webView: WKWebView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Think of WKWebViewConfiguration as the bridge's blue print - essential for construction. let config = WKWebViewConfiguration() config.userContentController.add(self, name: "callbackHandler") webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: config) webView.load(URLRequest(url: URL(string: "path_to_your_local_or_remote_html")!)) view = webView // This isn't lazy setting of view, it's just intelligent use of view controllers! } // That's our postman delivering messages from JS func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) { if message.name == "callbackHandler" { // Got some JS love, handling it here } } }

JavaScript Call:

function triggerNative() { // Spiderman sending messages from New York (WebLand 🌐) to Stark Tower (NativeLand 📱) window.webkit.messageHandlers.callbackHandler.postMessage('Message for Native'); }

This technique ensures efficient two-way communication with just add() (for handshake in Swift) and postMessage() (for message dispatch in JavaScript).

Impenetrable scripting and execution

Employing specialist bridge builders

For projects with intense JavaScript usage, considering integrating libraries such as WebViewJavascriptBridge or GAJavaScript. They provide sturdy and resilient mechanisms for two-way communication.

Asynchronous calls: The saviours!

To handle asynchronous calls, especially with the UIWebView, adopt the iframe technique.

Coded to match your iOS version

Before setting your sails, check the iOS version compatibility. WKWebView is your lighthouse but remember it's available only from iOS 8 and onwards.

Eavesdropping on JavaScript events

Create custom URL schemes in Objective-C or Swift to intercept calls, turning JavaScript whispers into native shouts!

Fluent conversations with JavaScriptCore

When targeting iOS 7 or above, leverage the JavaScriptCore framework for accessing JavaScript functions and values akin to ordering coffee at your local café.

Security: Your guardian angel

Avoid getting kicked from the App Store party. Avoid the use of private APIs and strictly follow the guidelines set by the bouncer, WebScripting_Protocol.

Considerations while adopting JavaScript Bridge

Cruising with custom objects

Give JavaScript a “talk-to-me” directory via custom objects. Use the webView.setValue:forKey: and make your WebView compliant with Key-Value Observing.

Multi-lingual project? No issues!

Establish a clean interface for your Swift and Objective-C code to interact with the JavaScript context. It's like having a professional bilingual translator.

Handling memory overhead

Mind your step when passing messages and objects between JavaScript and native environments. Keep a check on memory usage by cleaning message handlers.

Hybrid app approach

Develop a hybrid approach by combining HTML5 capabilities with native iOS frameworks. It's like having your cake (HTML5) and eating it too (Native iOS)!

The bridge’s story from start to finish

Evaluating JavaScript like a pro

Adopt the evaluateJavaScript(_:completionHandler:) method for dynamically executing JS in real-time.

Arguing with JavaScript

When calling postMessage, jump through the JSON hurdle by stringifying complex objects. Easing off the JavaScript stress!

Error handling: your lifeboat

Ensure strong and resilient error handling in your JavaScript code. Always have a Plan B!