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Including all the jars in a directory within the Java classpath

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Feb 23, 2025

To quickly integrate all JARs in a directory into the classpath, you only have to use a wildcard (*):

java -cp "path/to/jars/*" YourMainClass

Just swap path/to/jars/ with your preferred folder, replace YourMainClass with your actual main class, and you're all set. Java's classpath now contains every JAR in the specified directory.

Generating maximum efficiency from classpaths

When dealing with several JARs, it's crucial to streamline the process and effectively use wildcards, also handling system-specific path separators: if you're using Windows, go with ;, if it's Unix/Linux, use :.

Unix/Linux system command

java -cp "lib/*:another/path/*" YourMainClass // Yep, that's how we roll in *nix town

Windows system command

java -cp "lib/*;another\path\*" YourMainClass // Because Windows loves to be different!

Wildcards 101: Everything you need to know

No recursive wildcard scanning

Wildcards in Java don't do a recursive scan in subdirectories; hence, deeper paths with JARs must be specified distinctly.

Windows path notation: A shoutout to Java 8

Java 8 stumbled on a Windows bug, so always use backslashes (\) with wildcards on Windows machines: lib\*. It's like a game, isn't it?

Loading order - a roll of the dice?

The choice of which JAR to load first by class loader is purely random when using a wildcard—sort of like spinning a roulette wheel. Thus, when the order matters, specifically list JARs.

Overcoming commonly faced hurdles

Juggling -jar and -cp

The -jar flag is incompatible with -cp or --classpath. So, using a manifest file? Don't resort to -jar, but specify your primary class manually.

Wildcards do not dive into subdirectories. For nested JARs, either add them individually or seek help from script automation to structure your classpath.

Unleashing the power of Shell Expansion

Bash scripts come to the rescue when all else fails; here's how to utilize Shell Expansion for dynamic classpath construction:

java -cp "$(find path -name '*.jar' | tr '\n' ':')" YourMainClass // This is Bash on steroids!

The command uses find to snoop around for all .jar files in path and tr to translate detective's notes (\n) into (:).

Dressing up .class files for the classpath party

You need to specify directory paths without wildcards when it comes to including .class files. It's almost like they demand a personal invitation to the classpath party:

java -cp "classes;lib/*" com.example.Main // Make sure everyone's invited!

Handling manifest dependencies

Turn to your trusted manifest file in your primary JAR when dependencies need a clear, declarative chart:

Class-Path: lib/commons-lang3-3.9.jar lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar // Sorry, no +1's for this party—everyone needs an explicit invite.

Just a reminder, wildcards keep off manifest; you have to list all JARs in detail.

Turning back to trusty explicit classpath construction

When wildcards let you down or simply are not an option, bring back your shell loop to formulate a fool-proof explicit classpath string.

for jar in lib/*.jar; do CP="$CP:$jar" done java -cp "$CP" YourMainClass // We're going old school with this one!