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Html5 Video autoplay on iPhone

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 29, 2024

To enable autoplay for HTML5 videos on iPhones, include autoplay, muted, and playsinline in your snippet. iOS respects certain media playback guidelines, so this step ensures your videos comply:

<video autoplay muted loop playsinline> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>

With sound off, autoplay on, and playback inline, your HTML5 videos are now prepared for optimal functionality on all iOS devices.

Execution and Enhancement

Optimizing Video Performance

Smaller file sizes often mean faster load times, a key factor in smooth autoplay experiences. So, pay attention to your video codecs, iOS prefers H.264 and HEVC (h.265) for video and AAC for audio.

// Would you rather climb a hill or a mountain? Yeah, me too. <video src="SmallerMountain.mp4" autoplay muted loop playsinline></video>

Cross-browser compatibility

Ensure your video is enjoyed seamlessly across a variety of browsers. Test different devices and systems for compatibility to avoid turning part of your audience into moving-image-starved zombies.

Handling User Interactions

Most web browsers have policies requiring user interaction before media playback. To maneuver this, employ event listeners for click/touch events that trigger playback.

// Knock Knock // Who's there? // User. // User who? // User who needs to interact with the page before autoplay!

Frame within a frame

With JavaScript frameworks like React, you might need to inject HTML directly into the DOM. Here, dangerouslySetInnerHTML sprints to the rescue, providing dynamic control over your video tags.

iOS Specific

Understanding iOS Constraints

Brush up the iOS policies for a deep dive into autoplay. For instance, autoplay needs videos to be muted, tagged with playsinline, and not be affected by "Low Power Mode" on iPhone to ensure efficient autoplay.

Inline Playback

Including the playsinline attribute is essential to prevent fullscreen video playback, a common occurrence on iOS without this attribute.

<video autoplay muted loop playsinline></video> // Plays as inline as a bowling ball in a bowling alley.

User Engagement

Promoting user engagement can enhance autoplay functionality. Hook video's playback to trigger with a visible user action—like page load or touch event—for autoplay to work creatively within iOS constraints.