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Html5 dragleave fired when hovering a child element

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 13, 2024

Solving the dragleave misfire for child elements is straightforward. Make use of the contains method to ensure event.relatedTarget is not within your draggable:

parentElement.addEventListener('dragleave', function(event) { if (!parentElement.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { // Bingo! Carry out your desired drag leave actions here. } });

The above code refines the firing of dragleave to instances where your cursor departs from the draggable's boundaries.

No-nonsense guide to handling event counter

Let's introduce a reference counter to keep tabs on dragenter and dragleave events:

// Open up the counter shop! var dragCounter = 0; parentElement.addEventListener('dragenter', function(event) { // Register every guest, Even Stevens style. dragCounter++; // Let's paint the town red! this.classList.add('red'); // Because IE prefers to play a different game. event.preventDefault(); }); parentElement.addEventListener('dragleave', function(event) { // Remember to tell your guests goodbye! dragCounter--; // If all your guests have left, time to clean up! if (dragCounter === 0) { this.classList.remove('red'); } }); parentElement.addEventListener('drop', function(event) { // Reset the clock, it's a brand new day! dragCounter = 0; // No more red, time to welcome the new! this.classList.remove('red'); event.preventDefault(); });

Crossing the browser compatibility bridge

Analyze and ensure that your implementation is compatible across browsers. This means keeping an eye out for pointer-events functioning in Firefox especially. Here's a simplified example:

.child { // With great power comes none responsibility pointer-events: none; }

For environments where the feature isn't supported, a JavaScript-based fallback or providing a masking layer can serve as an alternative.

Your crash course on effective event handling

Treasuring relatedTarget

Hunt for event.relatedTarget as it offers a glimpse into where the cursor is planning its next visit. It's like a helpful guide pointing you in the right direction:

  • If it's a family member (child element), the big alert isn't required.
  • If the cursor decides to hop out of the boundary, only then trigger the real dragleave.

Master puppeteer technique: masking

Construct a mask within your playground, also known as the dropzone:

<div id="dropzone"> // Always remember, not all heroes wear capes <div id="mask" class="overlay"></div> <!-- Your content goes here --> </div>

Attach dragleave and drop events to this hero mask, vanish it post events to return to normalcy:

// Even superheroes need a break mask.addEventListener('dragleave', handleDragLeave); mask.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop);

No feature left behind. Welcome, graceful degradation!

If your user's browser is short of the required features, ensure a graceful degradation with conditional logic to provide fallbacks or alternate interaction modes.